By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
We all like to have our day in the sun. In my case, I get to have
We all like to have our day in the sun. In my case, I get to have
my day in the Super MOON! I am so excited to share this incredible information with you!
On October 27th, on my birthday, we have a beautiful opportunity to have it all. It is the final Super Moon of the year, the sixth, the be exact. This full moon is the third consecutive Super Moon. Those of you who share my birthday have a very special treat. There is immense energy on the day of our birth, coupled with that of the full Super Moon, that gives us great manifesting abilities. In my family, we are so tuned into the moon cycles that two of us have had Super Moons on our birthday. We must be some kind of special!
What Is A Super Moon?
A Super Moon appears closer to the earth and brighter than usual. This Super Moon is 14% closer to the earth and 30% brighter than normal. This full moon will be a little less spectacular than last month's Blood Moon and Eclipse, which was the closest to Earth, only 221,753 miles away. Tomorrow's full moon will be at its pinnacle of fullness at 7:05 AM CDT.
Supermoons are less than 224,834 miles to Earth, measured from the center of the moon and Earth. October's supermoon will be the fifth closest moon of 2015 only 222,744 miles from Earth.
November 14, 2015, the moon will be almost as close as October 27th.
The closer the moon to us, the stronger the impact and pull on tides, and emotions. The full moon often causes emotional upheaval and even sleepless nights.
Supermoons are less than 224,834 miles to Earth, measured from the center of the moon and Earth. October's supermoon will be the fifth closest moon of 2015 only 222,744 miles from Earth.
November 14, 2015, the moon will be almost as close as October 27th.
The closer the moon to us, the stronger the impact and pull on tides, and emotions. The full moon often causes emotional upheaval and even sleepless nights.
We have experienced many once in a lifetime events this year, astrologically speaking. This moon is different than other moons because it is in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Do you see the connection here, between myself and Aphrodite? You and Aphrodite? The Aphrodite Effect? It is all aligning for you.
Venus is the planet of love and beauty. This full moon in Taurus, governed by the planet of love will cause a stirring in your soul due to the effect of this powerful full moon. The proximity to the earth makes it more magnetic, stirring and clearing away what you have not seen before. The masks are coming off, and you have the chance to have it all!
Between a Venus Retrograde, followed by an extremely disruptive Mercury Retrograde that never seemed to end, we have had many opportunities to review our lives and relationships. You may have been looking at your past and reviewing who you want in your future. When the dust has cleared, you may find the playing field is almost empty.
This Super Moon is shedding light on those areas that we hold most dear and close to our hearts. This full moon provides a magnifying glass to view what is most important to us. When the moon begins to wane, what is most important is what will remain.
This moon is a super full Hunter's Moon. It is also called the Travel Moon and the Sanguine Moon. It is the only moon of the year to rise at sunset and stay in the sky until sunrise.
The magic of this moon offers incredible manifesting tools for money, material items, sexual encounters, sexuality, romance, grounding, and affirmations. Don't miss an opportunity to manifest what you truly desire!
Much Love,
This moon is a super full Hunter's Moon. It is also called the Travel Moon and the Sanguine Moon. It is the only moon of the year to rise at sunset and stay in the sky until sunrise.

Much Love,