Sunday, May 28, 2017

How To Calm The Craziness and Find Peace Within Minutes

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

I used to think that I was more spiritual when I was out of my body. I tried to meet God outside of myself. I found myself feeling very scattered and ungrounded. No wonder, inner peace is found within our bodies and our connection to our God-nature and all that is is actually inside us, not outside. 

For those who think they can't meditate, I hear you, and I certainly feel the challenges. I wasn't able to meditate either until I began using mantras. Mantras give the active mind something to do, a focus, in fact, that calms and gives us peace. 

After driving 1000 miles in the past two days, I found myself with four active dogs who wanted my attention. Nothing calms the savage beasts faster than sitting in a chair chanting a mantra using the name of God silently in our head. I sat down in a chair this morning and chanted one of the many names of God. Within seconds all four dogs were quietly laying in the room with me feeling what I felt, inner peace and quietude. 

There are many names of God. Wayne Dyer told me he used the name Ra. Wayne Dyer chanted this name Ra when he meditated. I have used this name for God, but it didn't have the same impact that the one I'll share with you today. 

Depending on where you look, there are 900 names for God in the Bible. YHWH, Jehovah, Om, Alpha and Omega, Elohim, Prince of Peace.... there are many ways to say the name of God. The one I recommend for your daily practice to increase light, peace and a sense of calm is Om Namo Narayan aya


For those seeking enlightenment, the mantra Om Namo Narayana is the most powerful Vedic Sanskrit mantra revealed to the Vedic seekers during their penances. 

The Meaning

OM - is a sacred word or syllable that encompasses all or everything in the universe. 

Namo means to bow or to "bow to." 

Narayana is a little more complex to decipher as it has several root meanings. The one I like to use is naara the Sanskrit word for water. Vishnu's resting place is in water. Water is the root of all abundance. We become more abundant using this mantra and replenishing ourselves with water in the bath, oceans and drinking water. 

Anaya means resting place or shelter. Narayana means resting place for all entities. A sweet thought for us all. 

Another interpretation for "naara" is human. Anaya means direction or goal. Using this interpretation means "that which takes all humans to their resting place" (self-realization). 

Some have found self-realization by repeating this mantra daily and even through the night in four months. When I do the mantra as I fall asleep, I am also repeating the mantra in my sleep, which is a powerful thing to do. The mantra begins to be automatic. When you are driving in your car, cooking showering, putting on your make-up, shaving or doing mundane tasks you can use this mantra. I call this state of mind neutral, where you can access the subconscious mind easily and effortlessly.

How To Use The Mantra

I like to float the mantra through my brain softly. The mantra slows down the errant thoughts and calms the nervous system. If we use the mantra in a manic state, or rapidly repeating it, you will find yourself staying in your present state of mania. Slow down the mind by slowly saying the mantra. I have recorded it for you so you can repeat it with me. The link is beneath the instructions. I hope you enjoy it.

  1. Sit upright to meditate. Sitting upright allows Source energy to flow through your central column (spinal chord) easily filling you with light.
  2. Breathe in through your nose slowly filling your lungs completely.
  3. Once your lungs are filled to capacity exhale very slowly emptying your lungs completely. Breathing slowly and consciously brings you into the present and calms the mind preparing you for your mantra meditation.
  4. Use a mudra (hand and finger position) that works for you. The easiest mudra is joining your thumb and index fingers together at the tips which create an OM or circle. There are many mudras you can use, keep it simple to begin this practice, so you are not worried or focused on what your hands are doing. 
  5. Relax your body. Drop your shoulders and exhale to further relax your body. Make sure your shoulders are not up around your ears. 
  6. Repeat the mantra slowly in the background of your mind. A mantra repeated silently is much more powerful for transformation than a mantra repeated out loud. 

Guided Meditation With Om Namo Narayana Mantra Audio

What You Will Feel

Everyone is different. What one person might feel, you may not. Whatever you feel is okay for you. The most important thing is that you are consistent with your daily practice. When I meditated three times a day and did mantras as often as I could, I had my awakening. You might like to do The Divine Presence Process Meditation that I used, the video is below. 

If you have addictions or take prescription medication, you might find it takes longer to get into the space of calm, relaxation. Have no expectation and be open to the new experience and just watch what happens for you. I would love to hear how this mantra and meditation works for you. You can e-mail me to work privately on your personal expansion and self-realization. Visit Jennifer's website

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Why Some Marriages Are Sexless

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

For those living in a sexless marriage, touch, snuggling, kissing and even hugging are things of the past. Rejection, frustration, abandonment and a feeling of being unloved permeate these marriages.  How do so many marriages end up with sex taken off the table, never mind out of the bedroom?

Both men and women can be rejected in sexless marriages. Having been in one myself for a short while, I feel tremendous compassion for you. A marriage that is considered sexless if you have sex no more than 10 times in a year. Approximately 15 to 20% of couples define themselves as being in a sexless marriage.

Newsweek stated that married couples have sex just over 68 times a year or 6.9 times more per year than single people or those who have never been married. 

Your relationship may seem normal and happy from the outside, you've raised your children, you may even vacation together, but when sex isn't happening once a week, couples begin to snipe at one another, or feel resentful and angry. 

What Is The Problem?

Each couple may have a different source for the disconnect. These are some of the reasons one party doesn't want to be sexually intimate with the other.

  1. They don't like sex. 
  2. They don't like sex with the opposite sex but can't tell you, as they are too ashamed. The lie they are living is too hard to tell you. Many people marry the opposite sex because it is what is expected either from religion, culture or society. The coverup continues because of guilt, fear or shame. Have you noticed how older women and men are coming out after being married for years? Some have the courage to do so, while others are too afraid of losing family connection, so they keep their homosexuality under wraps.
  3. They fear intimacy. Most people have no idea that they fear intimacy. A fear of intimacy required counseling, coaching, and encouragement to break through. A fear of intimacy won't go away without some effort, negotiation and professional help. Spiritually Bonded Intimacy will help you.
  4. They don't like the person you have become or that they have gotten to know. We have to like each other to want to have sex regularly with them. Perhaps you have done something they don't like, you don't smell good, aren't clean enough, or just aren't what or the type of person they are attracted to today.
  5. After childbirth, many women feel they have done their duty and don't feel sexual, sexy or attractive. Sex can become a chore. Some women find sex something to be feared because they don't want to become pregnant again. 
  6. Menopause can cause challenges and symptoms that make sex too uncomfortable and they aren't motivated enough to do something about it. There are bioidentical hormones, ThermiVa a non-surgical laser treatment that increases collagen, elasticity, youthfulness as well as moisture in the vagina. 
  7. They are shut down emotionally. Sexual abuse from childhood can cause both men and women to have issues with sex later in life. The issue of molestation doesn't go away when you ignore it. Get some coaching with someone like me that has healed the trauma of sexual abuse. Or visit a Tantra class. 
  8. They have low self-esteem. Self-esteem when healthy includes a healthy self-image and positive feelings about sex. When we don't feel good about ourselves, we may feel uncomfortable and unsexy when naked. Low self-esteem can be remedied and is the foundational work that I do for my clients.
  9. They are depressed. Depression and antidepressants remove the desire for sex. Get help for your depression. I do clearings for people that alleviate this issue. 

Don't Ignore This Issue It Won't Go Away

I married a man after dating for six months, he was all in a rush to get married. He hid the fact that he preferred men from me. He wasn't out of the closet, in fact after we divorced, he married another woman because his religion didn't allow homosexuality. I wrote an article about how homosexual men still marry women to keep their secret safe from their church, family, friends and their professional career. The truth is that God doesn't make mistakes. If you are born homosexual, there was no mistake. We are meant to learn from this lifetime. Perhaps your gift in this life is to learn how to be more loving of yourself no matter what. 

We need to know someone well before we commit to marriage. Often we are so focused on the getting married part that we ignore the red flags we see along the way to the wedding. A marriage is much more than friendship. Marriage is friendship with benefits. If you don't plan on having sex after the marriage, don't get married. 

The bottom line is that living in a sexless marriage is like being on board a ship full of dead bodies. There was beauty there once, but not anymore. It feels dead, disconnected and cold in a sexless marriage. Sex helps to keep a couple connected, intimate so that they can talk about anything. When we aren't having sex regularly communication breaks down, and a wall is created that keeps us apart, segregated and feeling isolated. 

Negativity comes in filling the void which eventually feels like you are not in a marriage at all but just roommates. Marriage is a loving connection between two people which involves a commitment to be sexual, close and connected. A sexless marriage isn't loving. Get some help now! Your problems won't go away by ignoring them. 

Audible: Orgasm For Life narrated and written by yours truly!

Read my book Orgasm For Life a clearly written guide to deep intimacy, connection, compassion, and understanding what your partner needs. Orgasm For Life is an in-depth look at oral, touch, G-spot, orgasm and communicating about sex without embarrassment or angst. This book will turn you on, power you up and bring light into areas of darkness. It is humorous and written with compassion for both sexes.


30 Odd Sexless Marriage Statistics

WebMed Are You In A Sexless Marriage?

Definition of A Sexless Marriage

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Vaginal Rejuvenation For Incontinence And Greater Nerve Sensitivity

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Which cosmetic surgery has gone up 109% in the last few years? Labioplasty! Surgical restructuring of the labia, the outer lips of the vagina. There is another way that doesn't mean being cut with a knife, invasive surgery or long recovery time.

ThermiVa is a non-surgical procedure for internal and external use that tightens providing an anti-aging treatment for a more youthful, feminine vaginal area improving texture, tone, and moisture. 

Perimenopausal, and menopausal women may experience vaginal dryness, burning and a lack of sensitivity during intercourse. For many women, the dryness and lack of sensitivity can be so acute that they stop having sex because it is too painful.

Other women report that there is a lack of sensitivity which contributes to weakened orgasms or no orgasm at all. It may appear that these women don't like sex, when that isn't the case at all. Not feeling aroused is a big problem for post-menopausal women. It can seem like it takes forever to get turned on when natural hormone levels are very low.

Incontinence or leakage of urine when we sneeze, cough, laugh, ride horses run or jump on trampolines
is another issue that occurs later in life. Incontinence is a real problem that can have embarrassing results.

Vaginal reconstruction surgery is expensive and painful. Bladder surgery requires a recovery time and sometimes doesn't work. Surgery always has risks and bladder surgery carries many risks.
A newer and less invasive procedure ThermiVa utilizes laser technology. The TermiVa wand is about the thickness of your index finger. It feels warm to the touch but isn't painful. With no pain, this procedure allows the patient to return to work the same day and even have sex that day.

The Advantages

  • no pain
  • no surgery
  • no recovery or downtime
Over time, the results are greater. Three months after the procedure the tissues become softer and the impact is fully felt. The G-spot is targeted which becomes more sensitive. ThermiVa improves blood flow, collagen, lubrication, and helps to heal the nerves. With the nerve healing there is increased sensitivity from ThermiVa which allows some women to orgasm multiple times.

My friend visited a "Day of Beauty" at a local doctor's office and sent me the video links below. One of the women who had the procedure done reported that she had six orgasms right after! I told my friend, "Sign me up! That's what I want!" Six orgasms? Holy cow! We all need more pleasure in our lives and this is certainly one way to receive it. Instead of feeling numb and lifeless inside our beautiful feminine vagina we can feel young, alive and thriving. 

The procedure costs from $2,800 to $6,500 usually for three treatments. You may want to have a touch up once a year after the initial procedures. Incontinence issues are remedied without any invasive surgery or need for mesh.

Watch the following videos and listen to the testimonials from women who have had the procedure done. 
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a love and passion coach, helping women and men improve intimacy and their sex lives which improve their relationship. The happier you are with yourself, the happier you will be with your partner. Self-love is the cornerstone to any happy relationship. Send me a private e-mail to see how easy it is to feel happier, more lively, connected and joyful in all areas of your life. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Without Our Mothers Where Would We Be?

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Whether you are male or female each of us has our mother to thank for bringing us into this world. Our father contributed to conception, but it was through our mother's birth canal we struggled for air some of us kicking and screaming. Without our mother's life force, we would not be here to celebrate her today. 

No matter the trauma you have experienced, our mother gave us life. She didn't abort, terminate or expel us. We have a great deal to be grateful for because of our mother.

Even if you were given up for adoption, you are alive today because she gave you life. Thank you, mother.

Our mothers fed, cared for us, changed our diapers, nursed and bottle fed us. 

As we began to walk, she shared the excitement of our new discoveries. 

Mothers are the ones that teach us table manners, etiquette, social skills and how to speak. Mothers are the ones that encourage their children to get up and run, to write, to sing, to play the piano even when they weren't able to do so. 

Our mothers took us to ballet, tap, karate, baseball, soccer, singing, piano lessons, for haircuts, dentist appointments and watched us in our dance recitals, and church plays even when we were terrible and forgot our lines. 

We must heal this very important relationship to feel whole, valued and validated. We might never have heard the praise we longed for or the exact words we expected. Our relationship with our mother above all others must be re-written with a positive perspective. She had her personal issues, shadow material and limiting beliefs that prevented her from being everything we thought we needed. The truth is our mother was exactly what our soul ordered for our greatest and highest good; no matter how it turned out. 

Sacrifice is part of a mother's burden. She gave up a lot for us. She gave up her figure, perky breasts, and her youth. She had less time to do what she loved, fewer clothes, and hairdos for herself, her profession, acting or singing career she made sacrifices. Children require time, attention money, and sometimes rob a mother's joy. Mothers can be disappointed that their life didn't turn out the way they dreamed it would. No matter what she gave up you know it was a sacrifice of her time, energy and money.

How can you view your relationship with your mother differently so that you are able to see her life from a higher perspective? What trauma did she experience in her life? What did she overcome from her past? What challenges did she have that affected her ability to love you the way you wanted to be loved? 

I work with both men and women in my sessions. One person that comes up again and again in conversations about life challenges is our mother. Mothers are the biggest contributor to our pain, suffering, and story of woes. We often look for partners who mimic our mother's personality traits. So today, let's salute our mothers for giving us something to work on and making our lives so....... interesting. Until we have children of our own we will never recognize what it means to be a mother. It is beyond a shadow of a doubt the most challenging and thankless of jobs without any remuneration. Mothers do the following for free: 

  • Carried us in her belly for nine months
  • endured backache, hemorrhoids, and stretch marks
  • experienced the torturous pain of labor and delivery
  • breast fed or bottle fed us every four hours or less: midnight feeding, 2:00 AM feeding, 4:30 AM feeding 
  • lost sleep for years while we cried, screamed and yelled
  • changed thousands of diapers
  • paced the floors with colicky babies in the middle of the night 
  • countless hours at hospitals, doctors and dentist offices and in waiting rooms 
  • bench warming in all kinds of weather cheering on her athletes 
  • ferrying to friends houses
  • cooking our favorite meals
  • baking cookies, cakes, gifts for teachers
  • sleepovers when no one sleeps
  • birthday parties
  • shopping for school projects
  • helped us complete school projects
  • drove us to school with our school projects
  • encouraged scholastic ability even when she didn't have it
  • countless kittens, puppies, sheep, horses, goats, rabbits and other farm animals that we bring home for care
  • kissing our cuts and bruises 
  • wiping tears
  • cleaning up vomit and other items we shall not mention by name
  • listening to our breakup stories
  • hearing about our exes
  • helping us pack, move and move again
  • listening to our complaints about our children, husbands, wives and animals
  • listening to us complain about our weight, jobs, and unhappiness
  • listening to us complain about not having enough money, love, attention
  • waiting for the phone to ring while we are busy with our pets, children and partners
  • waiting for us to visit 
  • bailing us out of jam after jam and then making us jam
Jennifer and her mother 95 in July 2017
Mothers are underappreciated, underrated, and maligned; yet make the greatest impact of any person in our lives. Strange isn't it that we cause the greatest pain to our mothers through childbirth then she is who gives us the greatest pain. Mothers are the one we want to please the most, the one most of us try to make happy. Thank your mother whether she is still on the earth or not for giving you life and allowing you to have the experience of today. 

If it weren't for our mothers we wouldn't be here. Here's to you and all mothers everywhere! Thank you, Mom! 

Visit Jennifer's website:

Send Jennifer a private e-mail.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

What It Means To Not Like Sex

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Humans are sexual beings. Our sexual nature is the cornerstone of who we are. Some like sex more than others. Some people have stronger sex drives than their partners. Often the issue with a couple is that women need to have intimacy to have sex and men need sex to be intimate with their partner. 

There are some people that just aren't interested in sex at all. Perhaps they had trauma when they were children. Others experience pain or vaginal dryness after a hysterectomy or menopause. Some have a very low sex drive or libido which can be remedied through a diet change, exercise like The 5 Tibetan Rites, or taking a supplement. When a couple isn't in synch sexually, problems can arise

When one person pushes for sex and becomes angry or resentful with their partner because they aren't getting it often enough a power play often ensues. For some women, there isn't enough touch without sex. If the only time women are touched is when their partners want sex, it could be a huge turn-off for them. An effort has to be made to display affection at other times than when men want sex.

Not wanting sex might have nothing to do with sex but more to do with what is happening in your relationship. If you have been critical, abusive, unloving or emotionally unavailable, perhaps these reasons are keeping sex at bay. Communication is an important part of a healthy, loving relationship. If you aren't communicating verbally, you won't be communicating sexually either. 

When The Idea Of Sex Doesn't Turn You On

I have had many men complain in sessions about how long it takes for a woman to become turned on. Typically, women aren't the quick-starters than men are. Though some women are hot as soon as their man looks at them a certain way, this isn't true for most women. Women need slow kissing, gentle touch, cuddling, massage, and patience before they are aroused enough for sex. 

The rule of thumb (forgive the pun) is twenty to forty minutes of foreplay before most women are warmed enough for penis in the vagina sex. 

I've been in a marriage where the only time my husband ever touched me was for sex. He would get a certain look in his eyes and go for it. I wasn't hugged, caressed or held at any other time than when he wanted sex. Though I like sex a lot, I became an object of his desire, rather than his loving partner and wife. It isn't a pleasant feeling to know that you could be a hole in a wall, just a thing that satisfied an urge or itch. Women don't feel loved and desired for who they are when they recognize they are an object. 

Not all men treat their women in this way. Though I have heard about women being awakened from a sound sleep with a penis being shoved into their dry vagina. Respect isn't in place when sex happens without agreement. A request for sex doesn't have to be verbal. A kiss can easily be enough for both people to become passionately enthralled and turned on. Mutual pleasure is what is needed. 

Sex Needs To Be A Two-Way Street

Pleasure is a part of a mutually fulfilling relationship. Both parties need to be turned on, enjoy the experience and have pleasure. Not every sexual encounter will end in orgasm for both parties and that is okay some of the time. If one person rarely or never has orgasms, it is a problem and will lead to resentment. I used to be the one without orgasms. Sex became drudgery for me, which is why I wrote Orgasm For Life. I knew if I had an issue the 40% out there that was also not having orgasms would benefit from my personal experience and how I overcame the issue later in life. I loved sex, but couldn't orgasm because of past sexual trauma. 

If a woman isn't having an orgasm through manual stimulation either before or after her partner, she may become fed up and begin denying her partner sex. If your partner isn't having regular orgasms envision what you would feel like to rarely or never orgasm when you have sex, would you want it? Read Orgasm For Life for gentle, loving and humor to overcome sexual issues. 

It is a complete turn-off for a woman to not be touched, hugged and held just for being who she is, rather than an object that men satisfy their urges with. 

Those That Hate Sex At Anytime

Humans are sexual beings. For those who truly hate sex and never ever want it, the foundation of this issue could be a past life where we were a celibate priest, nun or clergy. Vows of celibacy from past lives certainly can impede the ability to let go and be free of guilt from religious programming about sex being vile, wrong or improper. Past lives and vows can be cleared to alleviate these programs, which I have done for many men and women.

Self-hatred from past sexual trauma, molestation, abuse certainly impacts our ability to feel free about receiving sexual pleasure. When we are filled with self-loathing sex can be off-limits. Self-love means loving all parts of ourselves including our penis, vagina, breasts and anus. 

When Should We Talk About Sex?

Some people can talk about sex while having it. I prefer to have a conversation outside of the bedroom. Usually, a conversation outside the bedroom leaves a couple so turned on that mutual pleasure ensues! YAY! Pleasure for both parties is what good sex is all about. 

Jennifer is a judgment-free coach, hypnotherapist, and healer. She works with couples, singles to heal relationships and sex lives in a loving, compassionate environment. Send Jennifer a private e-mail to find out if you are a good fit for her work. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How To Create Heaven On Earth Right Now

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Life is what we make it. We can wish ourselves towards our death hoping for something better, or choose to make the life we live fun, pleasurable and meaningful.

Our perspective is everything. Perspective is how we look at situations, life, and relationships. If we recognize we aren't victims, but co-creators on the road of life, everything shifts. We create with our thoughts, choices and what we focus on. In every situation, we have a choice. When we choose to focus on what's good, we create heaven on earth for ourselves.

We can choose to look at what's not happening OR: choose to view what is good. Remember that wherever we focus our attention grows and expands. Do you want the negative to become larger, or the positive? Of course, we want the positive to be our focus!

Enjoying the ride and adventure every single day! 

Change happens when we shift our perspective. Heaven on earth is possible and it is what I live every day. 

From the music we select, the work we do to the people we choose to spend our time with every day we choose how we want our life to be. 

Following are small changes that help you shift your perspective. Begin with the suggestions you find the easiest first. 

1. In every situation, there is a positive and negative. Focus on the positive rather than the negative. Whatever we focus on grows. If we choose to focus on what people aren't doing or how they are acting we get ourselves all bunched up, stressed and irritated. 

2. Choose to focus on yourself rather than what others are doing. Don't expect to change others. Most people try their best to get others to do what they want, which is manipulation. I remember when I used to do things for my husband expecting thanks, love, or attention from him. It didn't work the way I wanted it to. Manipulation backfires on us, causing us to feel resentful and even angry. Instead, focus on being the best person you that you can be and allow others to be who they are, it is much simpler and far less exhausting. We can only change ourselves. Others will change when they choose to. When we shift everything shifts.

3. Choose gratitude. As soon as our eyes open saying a prayer of gratitude reminds us that life is a gift. Gratitude raises our vibration if we are feeling down or negative. Gratitude opens our heart when we say a meaningful, "Thank you!"

When we focus on the fact that life is a gift, each moment becomes precious rather than a pain. We never know when we won't wake up to live another day. "Thank you for this day of life!" Gratitude is the fastest way to shift our perspective as we focus on our good.

4. Choose to breathe deeply. Our breath is usually shallow until we begin to focus on it. Breathing deeply expands our lungs, grounds us in the present and also expands our joy. We can't experience great joy if we are holding our breath waiting for something negative to happen.

5. Choose silence. Give yourself the gift of 10-minutes of silence. Sit and breathe. When we choose to begin our day with silence we can make an intention for our day to go well. Silence helps us in many different ways. Even when we don't get enough sleep, spending ten minutes (more if you can) sitting upright smiling to our hearts and expecting our day to go well creates a better day with synchronicity, Grace, beauty, and flow. In each moment of every day, we are creating with our thoughts and emotions. Silence helps us to focus inward where our power is. 

Silence allows us to turn inward. As we live life we journey with ourselves. Turning our focus inward is how we heal our past. Noticing how we feel in each given moment allows us to recognize and name what emotion we feel. When we turn towards sweets, cigarettes, alcohol or other self-medication, we stuff emotions or avoid feeling. Over time, we become numb and don't feel anything except sadness and depression. Silence allows us to feel emotions fully so that we can allow those feelings to flow through us rather than suppress them.

6. Choose how you want your day to go. Set an intention for your day. Living consciously means we are aware that we are co-creators. Nothing happens by chance. Rather than thinking life is shitty and nothing but bad happens then change your focus. Instead, turn your focus to the positive. What do you want your day to look like? Do you want your partner to smile at you and be loving? Envision what you desire. Do you want your co-workers to be supportive, encouraging and positive, then envision it. An intention is an image of what we want that creates positive change. We choose unconsciously when we don't create an intention. An intention is a positive thought with a focus of positive energy.

7. Choose to take responsibility rather than be a victim. Choose to stop blaming others. When we blame others we aren't taking responsibility for ourselves and our life. Blame is the single most damaging thing we can do for ourselves, our life and relationships. When blame is present in us, we are unconscious rather than co-creating life. Everyone has had trauma. I had oodles of it. Healing that trauma is what shifts our perspective. Attempting to heal it on your own could take as long as it took me, over thirty years. Hiring someone who has done it speeds up the process because they have been where you are and have a higher perspective of what is really going on. No one is a victim. 

8. Choose to stop complaining. Complaints create more negative events and complications in our lives. Complaining makes us unhappy.

9. Choose questions, rather than making negative statements. When we have money problems, we tend to say negative things. Each statement we make is a prayer. Our words have more power than we think. Every thought we think is a prayer. 

If your bank account is overdrawn, ask, "How can I have money flow in to cover this overdraft?" When we ask a question, the universe has no choice but to respond. When we make a statement the universe will make us right. If we say, "I have no money." The universe will give us evidence that we are correct - there is no money. A question makes the universe do what it is meant to do for us ORGANIZES OUR LIFE FOR OUR GREATER GOOD!
Statements you want to avoid saying:

I hate my life.
This is killing me.
I have no money.
Everyone is against me.
Everyone hates me.
No one likes me.
My life is shitty!
I am sick.
I am poor.
I am stupid. (or anything else negative) Self-hatred has no place in your happy world.

Like Florence Schovel Shinn said back in the thirties, in her famous book, The Game of Life and How To Play It, our word is our sword. We create our lives with what we think and speak. Do you want to speak wealth and love into your life? Or do you want to speak hate and poverty? We can cut people we love with our words or create a loving environment in which we live. Choose wisely.

Questions to ask instead:

How can I find work I love to do where people pay me for my skills?

How can I have the money I need?

How can I have more love in my life?

How can I _______________?

Jennifer and daughter Ariel about to turn 21
I have worked very hard to shift my perspective from negative, blaming and self-destructive. I am happy with me, but I wasn't always. I used to live in blame, self-pity, and illness. 

I have healed my self-loathing, self-hatred and victim mentality. It isn't that my life was easy or trauma-free, it wasn't. Now I can help you shift your perspective so that you can be happy with your relationships, business and bank accounts are what you want, rather than what you don't want. 

Contact me if you are ready for a judgment free coaching experience to get you to happy, grateful and thriving!

I recently moved from my home in the desert where most people around me were negative, addicted and self-destructive.
I held the light for the change, in my community and gave Oneness Blessings in my living room to my neighbors leaving them crying with heart's wide open! Find my books on Amazon.