Saturday, November 23, 2013

What were you THINKING?

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Every thought seed sown or allowed to fall into the mind, and to take root there, produces its own, blossoming sooner or later into act, and bearing its own fruitage of opportunity and circumstance. Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bear bad fruit. James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

Thoughts become THINGS.....

90% of our thoughts are automatic. We have no idea that we are even thinking them. Our unconscious mind is like a boat without a rudder. It has no sense of humor and believes everything it hears. 

If our unconscious mind is operating without our conscious knowledge, how many thoughts do we think in a day? Most people think over 60,000 thoughts a day. Over 65% of them are negative and unsupportive.  What have you been thinking? Do you have any idea what unconscious thoughts create your day, or even your world? If the world around you is effortless, easy and successful, your unconscious mind is thinking positive thoughts. If you find challenges at every turn, lack, difficulty paying your bills and challenges in all your relationships, your unconscious mind is running amok with negativity and thoughts about yourself that are not supporting you.

What we say creates our reality

When we use phrases like; "I can't do this. I will never get this right. How can this get any worse?" The Universe and our unconscious mind will make it so. Whatever we say, we will attract it. Whatever we think, we will attract that also. Focusing on positive thoughts and positive outcomes is preferable so that we attract positive outcomes. We are always right. Instead govern your thoughts. Think positive thoughts so that you bear good fruit, instead of bad. 

Gratitude is The Fuel

Being grateful for what we have provides the fuel to bring us more positive events and good in our lives. Even if it doesn't seem like much, be grateful for what you do have. If you are not being grateful for what you have, you will be hard pressed to attract or manifest good into your life. When we are not grateful for what we have, we will have challenges and more lack.

How do we access the unconscious mind to reprogram it?

As a hypnotherapist, there are many ways to access the unconscious mind. I can hypnotize you and give you positive and healthy suggestions while under hypnosis. Or I can teach you the tools to use that get past the GATEKEEPER of the unconscious so that you can reprogram it.

Positive Affirmations

When you use positive affirmations without being in meditation or under hypnosis, your active or conscious mind is working. Positive affirmations will not get into your unconscious where they need to be to work. You can put your mind in neutral, which is very similar to being under hypnosis. 

Put Your Mind In Neutral

There are ways that you can put your mind into neutral, where the GATEKEEPER will allow thoughts or positive affirmations to enter the unconscious. We disengage our consciousness when we perform certain tasks repetitively. During repetitive tasks our mind is in neutral. This is the place of "no thought." (If your mind chatter is running incessantly I have provided ways to quiet the mind below.) Our natural state of awareness uses our conscious mind, with the unconscious mind playing background music. This background music includes programs created from childhood and past trauma. These could include, "You are not worthy." "You are not good enough." "You will never amount to anything." "Men are no good." "Women will only hurt me." 

Your Mind Is In Neutral: 

  1. While standing in front of the mirror doing makeup or (for men) shaving.
  2. While showering, as you have done this thousands of times.
  3. Driving your car. We often arrive at our destination without conscious memory of how we got there.
  4. Peeling vegetables. 

Quieting The Mind:

  1. Sitting upright with your head and neck erect (as in photo above).
  2. Without moving your head upward, look up to the ceiling with your eyes only.
  3. Your eye muscles will be stretched a little. This can also help with puffiness around the eyes and will help with eyesight issues.
  4. Continue to look up without moving your head upwards.
  5. After 5 minutes or so, close your eyes and meditate. You will find that your mind chatter has quieted considerably.
Jennifer is a certified hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotherapists. She has been a practicing hypnotherapist since 1989. She uses hypnotherapy to clear unconscious sabotage and remove programs that no longer serve you. Her coaching programs are unique in this way. As an intuitive coach she effortlessly sees the root of your issues and is able to help you move forward out of negative patterns quickly.