Friday, January 3, 2020

How To Get The Most Out of The Next Decade?

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

January is a great time to look back at what you have accomplished the previous year. Take a careful look back and pay attention to all that you created in the past twelve months. I would imagine that you have had far greater success when you write each down that you thought possible!

Once you have looked at last year's success, it is time to write down your goals. Maybe you want to have better sex, deeper intimacy, greater communication. If you haven't done these things without a coach, it is unlikely you will make these changes on your own. 

Maybe you want to meditate on a daily basis or do Kundalini yoga or exercise four times a week this year. 

What is the difference between New Year's Resolutions and goals? Goals are written down. We look at our goals on a daily basis and reset our goals every six months. What are some of the goals you would like to achieve? Comment below in the chat. What steps have you taken to get your goals set, written down and then posted on index cards so you can see them every day?

Do you feel that you can't do this alone? Maybe you are ready to make some big changes in your life for greater happiness, success and prosperity. Jennifer is a success and happiness coach and helps people overcome anxiety, depression, blocks and limiting beliefs as well as health challenges. Book your FREE Discovery Call with Jennifer and get a plan of action in place for 2020~!