Friday, January 3, 2020

How To Get What You Desire Quickly

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

The more you focus on the good in your life, the more good that will come to you. The more you focus on lack, limitation, being a victim or victimized, the more negative events and challenges that materialize.

Maybe your husband cheated on you.
Maybe your husband was gay,
Maybe things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to.
There is always a silver lining. Look for the silver lining. 

Find gratitude in every situation. What can you find to be grateful for? Perhaps you don't live where you would like to but you do have a roof over your head. Be grateful that you have a safe place to sleep.

Manifesting is something we do whether it is unconscious or conscious (awareness). When we complain about our circumstances, we stay there because we don't have gratitude for what we have. Once we step into gratitude for what we have, miracles begin to happen, we find the guy or gal, we get the raise we've been waiting for. Gratitude will shift you into a higher vibration and open your heart faster than anything. Focus on the positive and look for the silver lining. You will find when you do that better days begin to happen more frequently.

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