Thursday, November 29, 2018

Re-Birthing Love: From Self-less To Self-Full

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Many of us incarnated into a life where love was absent, rebirthing love allows you to shift profoundly to self FULL. Most of us have experienced a life of selfless giving which has left us depleted, lost and maybe even feeling angry, depressed or stuck. 

The goal of this life is learning about and embodying LOVE itself. But how do we do so when we felt unloved from the day we were born? Each of us has a mission to love ourselves completely.

I was called to create a high vibrational channeled package with The Ascended Masters to help empaths, healers and all with profound gifts stand tall, full, powerful in their highest truth of who they are.

Today, November 29, I am a guest on the Telesummit You Wealth Revolution. There will be a replay of the interview all weekend long. This Telesummit is a fabulous opportunity to hear me live and feel my energy to see if my work is a good fit for you. If you resonate with me and my energy you will witness profound results. The call is absolutely free and you receive a FREE gift just for showing up.

Listening to this all-new and exclusive collection of audios will profoundly change the way you feel and get you moving in the best direction for your Soul Purpose. You will become SELF-FULL rather than SELF-LESS.