Thursday, March 21, 2019

How To Have The Greatest Wealth In The World!

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Health is the most important part of living. We have to stay healthy by eating a healthy diet, love ourselves, being kind to ourselves. We have to focus on kind thoughts. Criticizing ourselves makes us sick. When we beat ourselves up we create an acid environment in our body which makes us sick.

Ulcers, cancer, and disease love an acid environment. We are all capable of vibrant health and here is what we need to do:

Get Help Manifesting Wealth Here!
  1. Breathe deeply expanding your lungs to prevent COPD and other lung issues
  2. Give gratitude for your vibrant health
  3. Drink plenty of freshwater room temperature
  4. Drink lemon water each morning on an empty stomach to flush out toxins and fats
  5. Eat a diet rich with fresh vegetables and fruit
  6. Exercise daily.
Grapefruit can help you to lose weight when eaten prior to each meal, on a low carb diet. Eating plenty of protein is important for muscle health and rebuilding tissue.

Feel you can't do this alone? You don't have to. Book your FREE discovery session with Jennifer to get a plan to improve your life and make a commitment to you!

Jennifer is a self-love and depression coach. She empowers women and men to love themselves into a happy life and teaches manifestation in the moment.