Sunday, January 27, 2019

Addictions: When Nothing Fills Us Up

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

When we feel empty lost and not enough, nothing ever seems to fill us up. We can buy the latest cell phone or computer that we feel is the next thing we absolutely need, the charge may light us up temporarily but it doesn't last.

Whether it is a car, a huge home or a brand new wardrobe or outfit buying something won't give us what we are looking for. The emptiness won't be filled with things. Nothing material is going to do it for us. We might think it will, but it doesn't last. Take my SELF-LOVE Quiz

I used to spend thousands of dollars in one shopping spree to feel the charge and excitement of it. Then I had to go home and explain why I spent so much money to my husband. Once home, I would crash and the high that I received from the shopping was gone!


How did I get here? I felt lost, empty and not good enough. I felt like I was born the wrong sex. I felt like I would never amount to anything. I was attempting to fill myself up with things to make me feel better about myself. This shopping never worked, in fact, it caused more problems than it helped.

5 Steps To Self-Love

Do you feel you can't do this alone? You don't have to. Are you ready to find a direct path to getting what you know you long for? Sign up for a FREE Discovery session and let's see how I can help you. Visit my website here. 

Awakening Consciousness

 "Amazing Awakening 

This book is humorously well written and has great research and insight into the understanding of self and of other both sexually, mentally and emotionally in regard to relationship and love . It gives one depth of insight into self and one’s partner. It is a great reference book once read as well. Don’t miss this great read to be all you can be."
Get Orgasm For Life FREE on Audible 7:55 minutes of narration from me! My voice. Recorded in an LA studio.