Sunday, May 28, 2017

How To Calm The Craziness and Find Peace Within Minutes

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

I used to think that I was more spiritual when I was out of my body. I tried to meet God outside of myself. I found myself feeling very scattered and ungrounded. No wonder, inner peace is found within our bodies and our connection to our God-nature and all that is is actually inside us, not outside. 

For those who think they can't meditate, I hear you, and I certainly feel the challenges. I wasn't able to meditate either until I began using mantras. Mantras give the active mind something to do, a focus, in fact, that calms and gives us peace. 

After driving 1000 miles in the past two days, I found myself with four active dogs who wanted my attention. Nothing calms the savage beasts faster than sitting in a chair chanting a mantra using the name of God silently in our head. I sat down in a chair this morning and chanted one of the many names of God. Within seconds all four dogs were quietly laying in the room with me feeling what I felt, inner peace and quietude. 

There are many names of God. Wayne Dyer told me he used the name Ra. Wayne Dyer chanted this name Ra when he meditated. I have used this name for God, but it didn't have the same impact that the one I'll share with you today. 

Depending on where you look, there are 900 names for God in the Bible. YHWH, Jehovah, Om, Alpha and Omega, Elohim, Prince of Peace.... there are many ways to say the name of God. The one I recommend for your daily practice to increase light, peace and a sense of calm is Om Namo Narayan aya


For those seeking enlightenment, the mantra Om Namo Narayana is the most powerful Vedic Sanskrit mantra revealed to the Vedic seekers during their penances. 

The Meaning

OM - is a sacred word or syllable that encompasses all or everything in the universe. 

Namo means to bow or to "bow to." 

Narayana is a little more complex to decipher as it has several root meanings. The one I like to use is naara the Sanskrit word for water. Vishnu's resting place is in water. Water is the root of all abundance. We become more abundant using this mantra and replenishing ourselves with water in the bath, oceans and drinking water. 

Anaya means resting place or shelter. Narayana means resting place for all entities. A sweet thought for us all. 

Another interpretation for "naara" is human. Anaya means direction or goal. Using this interpretation means "that which takes all humans to their resting place" (self-realization). 

Some have found self-realization by repeating this mantra daily and even through the night in four months. When I do the mantra as I fall asleep, I am also repeating the mantra in my sleep, which is a powerful thing to do. The mantra begins to be automatic. When you are driving in your car, cooking showering, putting on your make-up, shaving or doing mundane tasks you can use this mantra. I call this state of mind neutral, where you can access the subconscious mind easily and effortlessly.

How To Use The Mantra

I like to float the mantra through my brain softly. The mantra slows down the errant thoughts and calms the nervous system. If we use the mantra in a manic state, or rapidly repeating it, you will find yourself staying in your present state of mania. Slow down the mind by slowly saying the mantra. I have recorded it for you so you can repeat it with me. The link is beneath the instructions. I hope you enjoy it.

  1. Sit upright to meditate. Sitting upright allows Source energy to flow through your central column (spinal chord) easily filling you with light.
  2. Breathe in through your nose slowly filling your lungs completely.
  3. Once your lungs are filled to capacity exhale very slowly emptying your lungs completely. Breathing slowly and consciously brings you into the present and calms the mind preparing you for your mantra meditation.
  4. Use a mudra (hand and finger position) that works for you. The easiest mudra is joining your thumb and index fingers together at the tips which create an OM or circle. There are many mudras you can use, keep it simple to begin this practice, so you are not worried or focused on what your hands are doing. 
  5. Relax your body. Drop your shoulders and exhale to further relax your body. Make sure your shoulders are not up around your ears. 
  6. Repeat the mantra slowly in the background of your mind. A mantra repeated silently is much more powerful for transformation than a mantra repeated out loud. 

Guided Meditation With Om Namo Narayana Mantra Audio

What You Will Feel

Everyone is different. What one person might feel, you may not. Whatever you feel is okay for you. The most important thing is that you are consistent with your daily practice. When I meditated three times a day and did mantras as often as I could, I had my awakening. You might like to do The Divine Presence Process Meditation that I used, the video is below. 

If you have addictions or take prescription medication, you might find it takes longer to get into the space of calm, relaxation. Have no expectation and be open to the new experience and just watch what happens for you. I would love to hear how this mantra and meditation works for you. You can e-mail me to work privately on your personal expansion and self-realization. Visit Jennifer's website