Wednesday, December 31, 2014

5 Powerful Ways To Make 2015 Magical

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Another year has come and gone. Looking back at the past year in retrospect, was 2014 all you wished for? Do you wonder how you can improve your happiness or love quotient? We could waste time and energy regretting all that we didn’t accomplish, or we could look forward with great anticipation. Welcome the opportunity to create using a powerful intention to be and do better than we were in 2014. Yes even you, can create a magical new year. 

Setting an INTENTION for each day can change the outcome of a 24 hour period. Think of what setting an intention for the whole year can do for your love life, business success and happiness. An intention is like a prayer over your creation. It is an overreaching energy which colors the outcome. Yes, an INTENTION helps you create magic. 

Here are some powerful ways to make 2015 exactly what you want it to be with magic (along with a few lessons and gifts thrown in). 

  1. Look at 2014 with eyes of gratitude. Give thanks for all that you have received, gained and learned. When you are grateful for what you already have, you will create more wonderful events, situations and infinite possibilities for positive experiences and people to assist you in 2015. Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to bring magic into your world. Remember that there is no such thing as a mistake. We make choices and decisions. The wonderful gifts we receive are the lessons we learn along the way, about ourselves. 
  2. Put your mind in what I call, NEUTRAL. Deepak Chopra refers to this place as "the GAP." It is where your thoughts cease and awareness lies. In this place of NEUTRAL your mind will be calm. Meditation is the single most important addition to your life. If you aren't meditating now, begin in 2015. It will calm your mind, help to heal your body, and bring more peace and calm into your life. I have a YOU TUBE video which you can do with me. I also teach meditation in my private sessions. There are other times that we automatically put our selves into a hypnotic trance, like when we are driving, peeling vegetables, or putting on makeup or shaving in front of a mirror. Emotions, memories and thoughts interfere with creation. Put your mind into the place of "no thought" or neutral. Immediately after meditation is the best time to create.
  3. Envision your creation. See yourself with clarity, feel the excitement that you will have with your new love, home or successful business and release your vision out into the Universe. Let it go! Do not hang on, or pull it back to let The Universe know you have additions or changes. The Universe will bring you something far greater than you ever imagined if you just LET IT GO! Release it to The Universe.
  4. Create from a place of contentment or joy. You are much more likely to get what you desire when you are in a place of fullness, rather than lack or need. When we are in a place of lack we feel empty or wanting. I know this does not make sense, but when you are feeling poor, you can't create wealth. You have to FEEL happy with what you have, to receive what you DESIRE. You have to give love to yourself and feel already loved to receive a loving relationship. If you keep saying, I am always alone, you will always be alone. Instead thank the Universe for the love in your life. Fill yourself with love first! From a place of feeling empty - you just create more lack.
  5. Let The Universe handle the details. When you live in belief or certainty that things will work out as they should, everything will fall into place like magic. Know it is already done. Already taken care of. When you let go, you allow the details to take care of themselves.
My little secret:

I have manifested some amazing creations. When things seem to work out the best and the fastest is when I ask questions. Looking for win-win solutions for everyone also makes our manifestation occur in miraculous ways. The Universe loves win-win solutions. Use this phrase, "How can I possibly have ______________ so that everyone wins?"

Ask questions! Questions are a magical way to create what you desire. Often we unconsciously make statements about life, our relationships and situations. When we do so we create more of what we don’t want. For example, “Life is hard.” “I don’t have any money!” With our words we create that which we don’t want. Just like waving a magic wand over our life. The Universe always
works to make us right. If we think and say, “Life is so hard!” It will be. If you continue saying, “I don’t have the money” you won’t have money. The Universe will send us difficult life situations to prove us right. 

If instead, we ask, “How can my life be effortless and easy in 2015?” The Universe will bring us ease. Remember to ask, rather than make statements about your life. “How can my business and love life be successful, joyful and peaceful?” This is the fastest way to create success and ease with some magic. This really works! Once you ask the question, let go and know it is taken care of.
Wisdom for a fabulous and conscious 2015:
  1. LIVE in the PRESENT. The past is gone. There is no getting it back. You can’t change what has happened. However, you can change your perspective about the events. Look for the silver lining. There is always something learned. Look for the lesson. Then say, ”Thank you!” Getting the lesson removes yourself from the role of victim. None of us are victims. If you consider yourself one, you are missing the whole point of life. Our soul purpose is to be enlightened and help others. Like Paul McCartney sang in the hit song, “Live and Let Live,” let the past be. Forgive yourself for what you have not done and let it go. Living in the present also means not focusing on what will happen tomorrow. Looking towards the future constantly takes you out of being present. The future will be here tomorrow. Which is soon enough. Breathe in deeply. Slowly exhale. Repeat three times. This will bring you into your body and into the present. Your breath can magically return you to the present.
  2. Be the best YOU that you can be. This does not mean that you have to strive for perfection. As humans we are by definition, imperfect. However, we are already worthy, already enough and already lovable. We can be the best version of US we can be. We can love our loved ones and ourselves without holding back. We can allow ourselves to be more authentic and vulnerable. We can allow ourselves to be kinder, sweeter, more tender, and giving. Love is our core essence. Love and accept yourself completely, instead of judging yourself and others. Be generous to yourself. Nurture yourself. Step up your game. Instead of being complacent with your life, look for ways you can love yourself more, accept yourself more and expand your horizons to receive new experiences.
  3. Re-think your life goals and write them down. The comedian Lily Tomlin, is famous for saying, “I always knew when I grew up I wanted to be somebody. Maybe I should have been more specific.”  The more specific we can be, the more able we are to achieve what we desire. The issue is our focus. We have to focus on our goals every day. Wake up each morning expecting miracles and wonderful events. Say prayers of gratitude for achieving your specific goals. For me, I thank God every day for my books being Best Sellers. They may not be yet, but I know they will be .....  Very soon! Giving thanks for what you already have, allows you to receive more. Maybe you have a bucket list of things you want to accomplish or do before you leave the planet. Focus on one of those bucket list items with excitement. Write it down and begin thanking the Universe for having it already. The last time I created a vision board with my goals on it, I accomplished those goals within one year. A vision board helps you bring your dreams into reality. Look at your vision board every day. Get excited about your goals and say “thank you!”
Life is what we make it. Our words, emotions and thoughts create it. Most of us have so many thoughts whirling around in our minds. These thoughts interfere with manifestation. We need crystal clear thinking to create.  Belief is what gives your desire the fuel to manifest it. Your excitement about your goals and desires is what gives your manifestation the wings. Make 2015 the best year in your life! Do your burning bowl ceremony and release what no longer serves you. Then write down what you want to create for 2015 on a piece of paper. Put it on your altar or in a sacred area of your home. Remember where you put it, so you can see the reality of your dreams at the end of 2015. 
You have the power and the ability to create a magical and wondrous year. You just have to focus with clarity and BELIEVE!

The end of the year is a great time to look back with acceptance over the events of the past 365 days.  Rather than regret our actions, choices, abilities or poor communication with loved ones, why not create a list of the things we have done well and what we would like to do better next year? Focusing positive energy on the past year will help you create a more positive and magical 2015.

People like Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Tony Robbins have touted the power of intention. Personally, I have manifested that which I have intended, easily. Most recently, I manifested a magical week-long stay in one of the most expensive and beautiful cities, Boulder, Colorado in the United States for FREE! Just by intending that it would be so. On the heels of this magical week, I spent a second week with my mother, brothers and their families - out of thin air!

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a visionary, catalyst for your healing as well as a best selling author (soon!). She is an amazing empowerment and relationship coach, but she is so much more. She is a channel, medium, expert at self love, healing and overall happiness in everything from relationships to sex. She assists women and men step into their personal power and manifest their dreams. She is a spiritual pathfinder helping you find yours. She assists women who have had difficulty attracting solid balanced relationships, find just that. She set her intention at the age of 16 to become enlightened in this lifetime, even when others said it took lifetimes to achieve. She became enlightened in 2010. At the age of 16 she also knew she would live in California. In 2013, after living in Toronto, Montreal, Gaithersburg and Frederick Maryland, London, England, Atlanta, Georgia, Boulder, Colorado she listened to guidance and moved to California. Some of our dreams and intentions take a little longer to achieve. We will have what we focus on with intensity sooner, rather than later.

Jennifer will be speaking at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles, February 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2015. Her workshop, Power Manifesting - Making Your Dreams A Reality is on Saturday night at 8:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to hear her and feel the power of her energy in person. Everyone who attends will receive an energy upgrade. Your consciousness will expand and you will receive all the tools to do your own manifesting for 2015. Following are a few of the creations that Jennifer has manifested:
  • Her dream job at Air Canada as a flight attendant
  • Her dream home
  • Her dream husband
  • Riches, jewels, silver and gold
  • A baby girl when everyone else said no more children!
  • Enlightenment
  • Travel to her dream destinations: England, India, Bali
  • Healing of breast cancer
  • Vibrant health
  • Beautiful homes in amazing destinations for FREE
  • Amazing people who have provided assistance along the way
  • Amazing situations - new radio show on I Heart Radio 

Her website is Her private e-mail is

Buy Jennifer's book here: Orgasm For Life 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Joy Of Giving Presence

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

The holidays can be a beautiful time to connect with loved ones, share laughter and our presence. To many, the holidays can be extremely stressful - even depressing. The holidays reveal to us what is amiss in our lives, showing us what we need to focus on. 

I remember Christmases past when I tried desperately to make everyone around me happy. I fussed over gifts and wrapping. I caused myself stress looking for the "perfect" gift for each of my loved ones. There was always someone that wished for something other than what I chose for them. 

My oldest son was the most difficult to please. I would wait in anticipation for his facial expression when he opened his gifts. I was often depressed after the gifts were opened, even though we were all together. My focus was on the gifts, rather than the
presence. I was not in the present. I tried to make others happy. It was an impossible task, one that I have gratefully let go of. It is not our responsibility to "make" anyone happy. The only one we are truly responsible for is us. 

Being Happy With Who We Are 

It is interesting that in the act of becoming, there is a letting go involved. Allowing ourselves to be really seen by our loved ones, offers a transparent version of ourselves, without subterfuge, barriers or phoniness. Offering others our vulnerability allows them to get close, revealing our authentic presence. 

We have to let go of people pleasing. We have to let go of trying to be perfect, or to find the perfect gift. There will always be someone that will be disappointed with what we have given, or how we have given it. We can't be ourselves when we focus on others happiness or comfort all the time. We cannot be happy with us, when we make others' happiness our responsibility. We cannot be happy with us when we are constantly trying to please others. We cannot be happy with our lives when we refuse to let others see our true self. 

Everything will line up perfectly when knowing and living the truth becomes more important than looking good. ~Alan Cohen

What Is Authenticity, Really?

When you are authentic, you are you all of the time. There is no other way for you to be, but completely you. You are not one way around one group of friends and another around those in the office. You are the same at home with your neighbors as you are on a
plane, in a supermarket or in a beauty salon. There is no effort involved remembering what you have been or acted like with whom. The only way you can show up anywhere is by being truly you, rather than a version of what you want to show the world. When we can be vulnerable and real with ourselves and others we become truly present, sharing our presence with the world and those we love.

The authentic self is the soul made visible. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

How Do We Feel When We Are NOT Authentic?

When we are inauthentic we feel out of sync with our values, preferences and abilities. We might feel uncomfortable in our own skin, because we strive to be something that we are not. The need for everything to be perfect may pervade our lives, which is exhausting. We often try to run away from who we truly are, which leads to avoidance in other areas of our lives. We avoid being vulnerable because we don't want others to see our soft chewy tootsie roll center. When we avoid situations we cannot possibly be present fully. We are not sharing our authentic presence.

It Takes Guts - But It Is So Worth It!

Being authentic liberates us from trying to be perfect, or something we are not. Stepping out into the void of the virtual unknown is required. We need to face our inner demons. We need to know and understand ourselves to be authentic. Often the very thing we are afraid to let go of is who we think we need to be versus, who we truly are. Letting go of our concern about what others think of us is freeing. Liberating is the goal, letting go of control  is the way. 

Authenticity requires us to accept all of ourselves, rather than just the best or smartest parts. Being authentic is embracing our humanity. It is a recognition that we are all human.

What About Our Mistakes?

We have all made choices and decisions that didn't turn out the way we hoped. All of those experiences are part of who we are. Whether it was a relationship or marriage that didn't last, an education we don't use, our experiences teach us more about ourselves. Looking at our experiences without judgment and recrimination is required. We begin to recognize that our past does not have to equal our future.  Our past offered us lessons and gifts that help us make better choices through our personal inner discovery. Our self observation and inner journey is on-going. It never ends. We constantly morph and change with each new day. That is the wonderful thing about change. We can allow ourselves infinite possibilities each and every day.

Acceptance of our imperfection is the cornerstone of being totally real with ourselves. With the acceptance of all of you, comes the recognition of your talents, abilities and gifts. Rather than being fake, shallow or a card-board one dimensional being, you see the multi-faceted beauty of the genuine you. Acceptance allows happiness to flow in, where control was previously. 

Running Away

We can run, but we can't hide. We always show up wherever we are. We cannot run from the chaos of our lives anymore than we can run away from ourselves or choices. 

Sex and Authenticity

Orgasms and pleasure can allude you when you are inauthentic. Faking orgasm is inauthentic. It is not being true to yourself or your partner. If you fake orgasm, you also fake other areas of your life. Get real, be honest and let go of inauthenticity. (Read my book)

3 Steps To Living Authentically with Presence

  1. Evaluate what you truly care about. What are the most important things in your life? Align yourself with those criteria. Don't allow others to pull you off your center. Sometimes we base our lives and beliefs on what our parents believed. When we really examine these core beliefs, are they truly ours? 
  2. Let go of judgment. Often we judge things that are different than ourselves or that we don't understand. Judgement is a rigid way of thinking. Looking at others and especially ourselves without the magnifying glass of harsh criticism will allow us and others to be human and imperfect. We will stop running away from ourselves and being more present when we become more accepting.
  3. Pay attention to the way your body feels. When you are in alignment with your core beliefs you can feel it. Your body feels good, comfortable and grounded. Your body will never lie to you. It will however let you know when you are out of alignment. Paying attention to people or events that don't concern you can often cause you to feel stressed, or out of alignment. Notice when you get upset. Are you upset with someone else's actions or your judgment of them? Ask,  "is this really my concern? Do I need to take this on?" You have the power to change the way you react to situations and how you feel. How you think about things causes your reactions. Always come back to your inner being. How do I feel? What is making me feel this way? Can I process this differently? How can I change the way I feel about this? How can I go with the flow of life instead of trying to make things happen a certain way. 

The Heart Connection

When you are authentic you connect deeply with other people. People feel the truth of who you are. They see it in your eyes. Being authentic changes your interactions from superficial to deep and meaningful connections. You let go of what others think of you. You stop taking everything so personally. People will remember you for being genuine. Not everyone is ready to be authentic or vulnerable. It can make some very nervous and uncomfortable. Accepting the fact that we will never be perfect can be challenging for some. Being authentic and offering your presence to another is the biggest gift of all. You connect heart-to-heart. Love is what joins us together. In the presence of love, there is no fear. True love is all about acceptance. We cannot have real love when we don't love and/or accept ourselves the way we are. Being true to yourself will bring you lasting happiness that striving for perfection or people pleasing never will. 

You Hold The Key

You are already worthy. You are already loveable. We all just want to be loved and accepted. The first person we have to learn to love and accept is us. Remember to give yourself permission to be imperfect. We are human after all, by definition, we are that. You already have everything that you need inside of you. You are whole, perfect, loving, kind, harmonious and beautiful. Enjoy the gift of giving your presence. 

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is an inspirational author,  empowering those struggling with the issues of being human. Above all else, she is authentic, real, honest and Divinely connected. She empowers, encourages and assists those committed to a life of happiness and harmony to unearth those issues that don't serve and may even cause dis-ease. She is the creator of the Love Yourself Fearlessly 6-week course. However, she believes true change does not happen overnight, but with daily effort, putting one foot in front of the other each day. Sometimes we need to have someone help us see the light in us, or the light at the end of the tunnel. Either way, Jennifer is a spiritual pathfinder. Rather than following her, she encourages you to find your own path. She will shine the light of awareness so that you can find your way.

Jennifer often works with superhuman women to help the thoughts that created cancer issues, self esteem, sexual abuse, or challenges of family, relationships and success. Her own struggle and challenges in life have led her to help others heal the situations or struggles that she experienced and healed. We are constantly changing and morphing. What is true for us today, may not be true for us tomorrow. Jennifer is wonderful for helping you uncover your gifts, talents and beauty. She allows you to see the humanity that is you. With self acceptance, self love and understanding anything is possible!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Manifesting Miraculous Moments

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

There is no doubt that at this time of year more than any other,  people are focusing on a multitude of things. When you are driving, walking down stairs or stepping off or over a curb, take care. Keep your wits about you and be aware. Instead be in the moment focused and firmly grounded in the here and now and your holiday and your life will be so much more miraculous.... read on. You may wondering where this rambling is taking you, believe me, you will wind up with miracles if you read through to the end - no sales pitch just "HOW TO DO IT."

Breathe in deeply.....

With all the activities happening, shopping, rushing and multi-tasking we often forget to pay attention. I have known of three car accidents and two stair accidents in the past month. So please be aware, stay grounded and watch what you are doing. When we have too many things going on at once, this is when we become ungrounded, fragmented and unfocused. Just focus on what you are doing when you are doing it. Be aware. 

Walking Down Stairs

When carrying something in our hands we often can't see if we have reached the bottom step or not. Accidents happen when you think you have arrived and you have two more steps left. This
occurs when we are daydreaming, or not focusing on the task at hand (yes, one and the same thing). This lack of focus is being autocorrected by The Universe. You will have to focus on what you are doing, stay present, or you will be in danger. 

Being In The Now

You may think it is an impossible task to be present and in the now. It is as simple as  focusing on one thing. Focus on the speaker, focus on the task, focus on right here, right now. Don't think of what you should have done, or could have done, or what you wished for that never materialized. All of those thoughts are a waste of time and precious energy. The past is gone. Continuing to worry, fret or even regret will cause you to be stuck in another time. When you are focused on the past, or the future, you miss out on the precious and wonderful moments that are happening right now. When you are elsewhere, you will not be with those who love you and are with you now. They will feel it, even if you think you are doing a great job faking it.

How To Be Present

Breathe in deeply. Notice what your body is feeling right now. Exhale deeply, as you do relax your shoulders that are up around your ears. Notice how you feel in your body. Are you trying to escape the moment? If you are, ask yourself, "What am I afraid of? Is what I am fearing REAL?" Sometimes we are so used to being somewhere else that is where we live and breathe. When we don't love ourselves we often try to escape our emotions. We might even feel uncomfortable in our own skin. The point is that running away causes more pain and suffering because you are in resistance to what is.

Resistance Causes Suffering

When we are fighting what is occurring in the moment, we are resisting. Usually we are in a fight all by ourselves. We think it is the other person, but we are fighting our inner demons, fears or beliefs about ourselves. Relax and breathe. Know you are already enough. You are already loved, accepted and cared for. The earth loves you. The birds love you. The sky loves you. The Universe loves you and God/Divine /Source Energy loves you. You don't have to achieve or be something other than who you are to be loved. It has already happened. It is a DONE DEAL! So stop fighting with yourself. Allow yourself to RECEIVE LOVE. 

When I was suffering.....

So unhappy, I rarely smiled....  suffering a lot
I could not feel other's love for me. I was stuck in blame and victimhood. I blamed everyone for my own personal pain. I suffered a lot. I was so wounded from my past, that I could not feel love if it fell on me.

Wounded people hurt others

I was hurting. I often lashed out in anger at my children, husband and parents. It took me a long time to finally accept all of me, release the past events and forgive everyone. When I did, life became so much easier. 


I was the camelian. I turned into whatever I thought others wanted me to be, in order for them to like me. I did things that I didn't really want to do, because I was unable to say no, thinking they wouldn't like me, or love me if I did. It was not until I let go of trying to be perfect, trying to please everyone and trying to be something other than myself that my pain went away. I let go of it all and surrendered. 

Being In The Flow and Manifesting In The Moment

I aligned my will with that of The Divine and began to manifest anything I asked for. Is that a miracle, I feel it is. I began to manifest whatever I asked for immediately - in the same day I asked for it to come into being. That is a freaking miracle I tell you! The secret here is to be in the present. Miracles are manifested when you are thankful for what you have, grounded in the present. When I was told my beloved Colorado was not my home. I listened. I did not fight it. I moved to California. When I did, money was no longer an issue. I aligned my will with that of The Divine. I stopped fighting.

Win-Win Solutions

It took me a while to get this. I thought I did it all. I thought I was the one bringing all this into being. Yes, that is part of it, but the surrender piece is the most important. When we align with the will of God we no longer focus on just us. We focus on the good of the whole. We focus on the cosmic perspective. We are concerned about the planet and all it's people. We look for and ask for WIN-WIN Solutions. When we do, we get all that we desire. Now people come to me asking me to pray for miracles for them.

Scattered Smothered And Covered?

In Georgia, breakfast is served all day 24 hours a day in little hole in the wall diners called, Waffle House. One of their dishes is hash brown potatoes smothered with cheese and who knows what else. I just like the sound of the dish. 
It sounds like everything but the kitchen sink, which explains where our minds are when we are unfocused. We are scattered, smothered in tasks, details and covered up with too many projects unfinished. We may be traveling and trying to get laundry, housecleaning and animals taken care of. Whatever you are doing, please take your time, don't rush and be present. Slow down. Breathe. 

Love Your Loved Ones

The more present we are in the moment with ourselves, the more present we will be with our loved ones. You can bet, I will be putting my computer away and spending time with my adult offspring this coming week. We are all gathering in Colorado for a
snowy white Christmas. It is one I have been envisioning for many years. We all need downtime. We all need to have love. If you are alone this Christmas or holiday, take care of yourself and focus on

what you want to do. Nurture yourself. You are your loved one. Get in touch with your inner child. Your connection with your inner child is the key to permanent happiness. Your inner child wants to integrate with you, connect with you and have fun with you. When you do, your life is more joyful, happy, playful and peace-filled. Have some fun, play board games, watch movies that make you laugh. Enjoy your life. It is the only moment you have.

Wishing you all a very safe holiday and wonderful time with family, friends and loved ones. My mother and I will be reconnecting in Canada. Family healing is the key to your healing. When we have healed our relationships with our parents and siblings we have healed ourselves. Love is always the answer, when, is the question I ask you?

If you have questions, need assistance or prayers over the holidays, send Jennifer a private e-mail here.

Much love to you,

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Radioactive 2015?

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

2015 is on it's way. You can't stop it, you certainly can't slow it down. There are only fifteen more days until 2015 arrives. What is all the fuss about? The energy of 2015 has already been coming in, you have been experiencing it. Here is what to expect and why we all need to clean up our collective acts. A war has been raging silently (and not so silently) all around the world. This is where change happens, and it will, or we self destruct. 

What's the deal with the "Radioactive" title? My friends in Imagine Dragons will sing to you a little later on. Their video is wise, insightful and symbolic. This is where the rubber meets the road and you have to use your noggin. (Noggin is a colloquialism for intellect.)

2015 is like a fire hose of high vibrational LOVE energy. Many call it Ascension. It is a rising energy that causes us all to be bigger, more positive and consciously alive. This is when we recognize our true selves, our innate goodness. This energy has caused people to have difficulty focusing. Many are experiencing emotions long since repressed and hidden from view. 

This new energy is a higher vibration than any of us have experienced before. It will cause your patterns and self sabotage to be pushed up to the surface for all to see, but especially you. These past issues will be like hitting a brick wall. You will be forced to deal with these things in a profound way. If you have not dealt with issues from childhood, past relationships, addictions or other deep wounding, look out! You will no longer be able to ignore what is inside of you. 

Here are some of the things that won't cut it in 2015.


  • Waste of food when people are going hungry
  • Waste of time, on trivial things, meaningless e-mails, time on Social Media, where there is no REAL connection
  • Wasting thoughts on things that don't matter or focusing on what you don't want in your life 
  • Wasting time with those who don't accept, love or
    cherish you
  • Wasting products, shampoos, multiple shower gels, lotions, creams, makeup, perfumes
  • Buying clothes that sit in your closet unworn
  • Having more vehicles than people in your family

Lying, Cheating, Stealing

  • Lying, Cheating and Stealing is not in the vibration of love, therefore it will not be accepted
  • When you begin to speak an untruth, you will do a voice correct, restating the truth. 
  • For those who continue to try to lie, everyone will be able to tell when we are lying immediately our BS meters will go off
  • In this higher energy, we will have to be responsible for our actions, deeds, thoughts - the universe will hold us accountable

Helping Others

  • Our hearts will open and we will share with others
  • We will lend helping hands to those in need
  • We will share our talents, gifts and love with those who need assistance
  • Those who have already embodied this love energy will teach others to get there

This is Where We All Cross The Finish Line Together!

Acceptance of Differences Because We Are All One

  • Acceptance will be based on us all being from the same source
  • It does not matter what country, religious background or beliefs we have
  • I does not matter what color our skin is 
  • It does not matter what language we speak
  • It does not matter what sex we are
  • It does not matter what our gender preference is
  • No one is a mistake, we can't be, we have ALL been created by the ONE SOURCE ENERGY
  • The energy of ONENESS will be everywhere, in every forest, stream, lake, mountain, village, city...

Love is The Only Answer

It has become so clear to me that we need to have open hearts for those around us who are suffering. We need to accept those who are in pain, not shun them. We need to love those who are crying - even when they push us away physically. We need to love them even more. When someone is resistant to accepting love and affection it is because they have a block or belief that they are not worthy of love. They feel unloved, no matter what we do. This will change in 2015. 

Emotions are coming up for many right now. So many people that did not see their issues are beginning to see them clearly. For those who have not done their inner work, seek someone to assist you. This shift has been happening for the past two years to prepare people gradually. In 2015 this energy is being amped up more than it ever has. Seek out those who have already come into their Divinity, or love themselves, they can help you along your path. 

Extreme Fatigue

You may be sleeping more than usual. You may have to drag yourself out of bed and long to go back all day long. You may want to do absolutely nothing. 

Lack Of Focus

You may feel scattered and have difficulty following through with tasks to completion. You may wander around wondering what you were just about to do. You may put something away in a safe place and not be able to find it.

You Need Nurturing 

Whatever it is that causes you to feel nurtured, do it. If it is a hot bath with Epsom salts, soak to your heart's content. If it is painting your fingernails, paint them. If it is sitting around with a bowl of chocolate covered almonds or chocolate watching funny movies, enjoy your movies. Be in the moment doing whatever brings you joy and causes you to feel nurtured. 

How Can You Help Yourself Navigate These Changes?

  1. Pray. Ask for help. Be in FAITH. Help will arrive.
  2. Ask questions, rather than making closed ended statements. "How can my transition into 2015 be easy and effortless?" When you ask questions, you will receive the answer. Help will arrive in different forms. It could be dreams at night that give you guidance or soothe you. It could be a vision, or just an overall feeling of being loved. 
  3. Be grateful for what you have. 
  4. Meditate. Sit in silence at least 20 - 40 minutes a day. Longer if you can. Do it every day. This is the one thing that will really help to give you peace, guidance and calm.
  5. Rest. Get enough sleep. 
  6. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables.
  7. Refrain from sweets, carbohydrates like white bread, sugar, agave, artificial sweeteners as much as possible.
  8. Don't read the newspaper or watch the news.
  9. Stay away from anything that causes you to feel fear, which is why I recommend you don't watch the news.
  10. Take cash out of the bank. Make sure you have enough for several weeks, or a full month if you can. Keep it in a safe place and write down where you left it.
  11. Spend time with those who love you and that you love.
  12. Do things that make your inner child happy. Sing, dance, play, toboggan in the snow, ice skate, play an instrument.

Imagine Dragons in my book is a Grammy winning, edgy, relatively new band. I listen to the message when I hear music. Their lyrics and videos speak very loudly. The message is profound. The little guys will win here. It is the meek that shall inherit the earth, not the ones stealing, lying, cheating or taking. What does meek mean? Loving, kind, accepting. Standing together, in unison, in love is what we need. We don't need to riot, loot or kill. That is not the way.

We will get there together. In unison, in love. I love you. To the Ukrainians who have been reading my posts - I love you. My roots are from your soil. My grandmother was born in the Ukraine. To those from other countries, thank you for coming all this way to read my posts. To the Canadians, I am coming back to Toronto, if I can find where I hid my passport at the end of this year. I will be in Toronto for New Years. The truth is that we are all part of the whole. We may have been born in one country and moved to another. Wherever we live becomes our new home. I love all of you who take the time to read what I write. I would love to hear what you want to hear about. 


I have been approached by I Heart Radio to do a radio show for them. This show has materialized out of thin air. I am grateful. Please join me in January for "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!" This will begin as an hour show moving to two hours with Questions and Answers about love, sex and relationships. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Courage To Thrive

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Everyday life can be wrought with worry, struggle, strife, depression, loneliness, despair and feeling there is no way out, or even no way in sight. Others feel that life is fun, a joy to live, filled with ease and grace. So what gives? How do we get from the struggle part of life to living a life filled with joy, fun and happiness? 

Courage. Yup. It takes courage to decide you want a better life. It takes courage to decide to work on yourself. It takes courage to let go of the struggle, resistance and to allow yourself to love you. It takes courage to allow yourself to be vulnerable, authentic and be loved.

It takes courage to leave the woman who hasn't had sex with you for the past 20 years, but says she loves you.  It takes courage to leave the man who puts you down and calls you worthless that you are terrified of. It takes courage to leave the man you fell in love
with, only to find out he really preferred men to women. It takes courage to be vulnerable with your partner and allow them to really see you for who you are. Risking it all takes tremendous courage. Choosing to work on yourself takes courage and perseverance. Leaving the comfort of the home our children grew up in and the one we have been married to for 26 years is a big risk. 

We have to ask ourselves, is the pain I am experiencing now, worth risking what pain I may experience alone? 

Making The Leap Into The Void

Moving ourselves forward can be scary. Change can be scary. Sometimes we have to take that leap forward into the void not knowing what to expect. The not knowing can be scary. When we begin to respect ourselves and reject judgment, abuse or an unloving partner, that can be scary. We may have lived in an
abusive environment all our lives, where walking on eggshells was what was familiar. Just because something was familiar, does not mean it is beneficial. It may feel uncomfortable at first because you are stepping into a world unknown to you previously. It may feel foreign and strange in an environment that is not abusive. 

Loving ourselves through all the challenges that life offers is key. We can look at all the mistakes we have made, all the people we have hurt or those we have let down. Or, we can look at each experience as a gift and a lesson. Each experience we have goes into our rich tapestry of our lives that creates us. 

I would not be who I am today without all my experiences, divorces and challenges. I certainly would not be filled with joy and love each day, if I continued to dwell on what a crappy daughter I was, or how many men I left. Isn't it time to recognize that your life was showing you who you are? Each experience just spurred you on, helped you grow and made you who you are today. You are a unique expression that is you. 

You are completely worthy, loved and already beautiful inside and out. You just need to sand blast all the negative thoughts and love all of you. Not just the perfect parts, but the shadowy, smelly parts as well. 

Each of us deserves love. The love begins and ends with you. Love is what needs to be poured into you. We need to be kinder, gentler to ourselves, nurture ourselves. When we feel separate from others, we often feel unloved. We are the ones that have to love ourselves. Everything comes back to the love that is inside of each of us. Often we look to another relationship, job, car, home to fill us up. Yet these things only offer solace for a short time. We are the key to the ending of our own suffering, no one else.

Letting Go

Trying to be perfect, controlling others our environment and manipulating to get what we want are all negative behaviors. We can be the best "us" we can be, without striving for perfection. In striving - we never arrive. We are setting ourselves up for failure and added stress. At first, it will take courage to accept yourself as enough. It may not feel comfortable. You may have doubts. Recognizing that we are already enough, and letting go of what others think of us, or trying to please anyone will relinquish the "trying to make others happy" paradigm. It is our personal responsibility to ourselves to be happy. Pleasing others all the time does not bring us any happiness. In fact, it often leaves us feeling resentful, bitter or angry.

I  live in concert with my inner child, it is my inner adult I am trying to find! JEM

Connecting With Our Inner Child

Connecting with our inner child is the way to get to joy. Most people are disconnected from their inner little boy and girl and have forgotten how to play, be playful or have fun. It is only our decision to make our lives better that will change our perspective.  Once we
join forces with our inner being that is ageless, we begin to live in joy each day. 

Dysfunction, struggle and strife cause joy to be shut down or closed off. We make life harder than it needs to be with our thoughts and negative focus. It takes courage to let go of embarrassment and say, what do I have to lose, "let me have some fun and play today."

Laughter and Fun

In my family, we would get together regularly. My brothers and father were boisterous and loud. No one would get drunk, but we certainly let loose and consumed a few glasses of wine on those occasions. My father and the boys would tell stories and we would all laugh. My dad would have tears rolling down his face from laughing so hard. 

When we really began to have a good time, my mother would take the bottle of wine off the table and shout, "Enough!" I would look at her in disbelief. She did not know how to have fun. That would be the end of our laughter and enjoyment.  My mother was much more comfortable with struggle and strife. Conflict was where she lived and breathed. She was closed off from her inner child. Her parents died when she was 5. Fun was foreign to her. It still is.


Life is filled with choices and choiceless choices. Choiceless? Sometimes we don't choose and decisions are made for us. Our partner divorces us, or dies. Or maybe we discover we have cancer, or Parkinson's. Sometimes it is evident which way to go. Sometimes when we don't make a choice, it is made for us. Other times we feel
filled with fear, like we are stuck in a corner like the energizer bunny backing up and ramming back into the brick wall. Even no decision, is a choice.

I am personally familiar with the pain of divorce. I have experienced it more than once. Although I spent much time thinking before leaping, divorce was not a happy thought for me. Leaving the father of my two boys when I had a comfy life, a beautiful home and two paid for vehicles was not easy. However, we were not in alignment. 

I was not free to follow my path. I was a corporate wife and psychic readings and the Spiritual was not something my husband approved of. He did not want to go to counseling until I wanted out. I could not be
My offspring all grown up
authentically me married to him. I have left blame behind. In the early days, I thought it was my husband's fault that I was unhappy. It took 3 divorces to discover that I was the cause of my own pain and suffering. I was the one who kept myself stuck and mired in guilt, shame and self-hatred. I am here to tell you the risk was worth it. I would not be as happy as I am today without leaving those men. In my solitude I found me. It took being alone, intense introspection, letting go and loving every inch of me, even the parts that weren't perfect. 

Each one led me to discover more about me. Did I go through difficult times? You betcha! I most certainly did. I experienced all kinds of struggles and strife. In the loneliness, I discovered the gem that is me. Being alone served me well. You

are a gem also. Within you, under all that pain is beauty and light. When we are bathed in pain, sorrow and suffering that is all we can see. Even being alone, can be far greater an experience than living with someone who clearly does not love you back. Or worse,
thinks they do, abuses you, or withholds love from you.

Me very unhappy. I don't even look like me.
My daughter's father was abusive in every possible way. Although he said he loved me, his love was distorted. He witnessed his father punch his mother in the face. He broke her dentures in three. This event traumatized him. He never got over his inner rage. He died far too young because of the blocks in his heart from early trauma. 

Often we are in marriages where love is distorted and not real love. Our childhoods and the marriage our parents have are often a guide for our own. We can try to break out of the patterns that we were programmed with early on and some of us do. When their marriage
was abusive or loveless, yours probably will be also. The blocked emotions and patterns in your DNA need to be released so you can live a happier life.

My experience is my experience. Yours will be different. What I finally found after my divorces, was that I didn't love me. I discovered that those men were simply reflecting back to me how I felt inside. I felt unworthy, unlovable and my heart was clearly shut down. I had no idea back then that I did not trust or respect myself. All of that changed when I began to love me as I am. 

Trauma, horror, grieving can shut down our hearts. Our emotions become blocked in our hearts and we fail to feel fully. We are only half living and certainly not able or available to truly love another. Loving ourselves can be challenging when we don't know how.

Self-discovery is a path travelled alone. Sure we can grow and heal when we are with a partner. However, the time alone, in self-introspection is what is needed. We need to journal, ask ourselves questions, hire a coach to help us see what we can't. Catalyst coaching involves a way for you to discover, through my energy pushing up your issues for you to see. Spending time encouraging you to look at aspects of yourself, what makes you happy, what brings you joy or what you see for yourself in 10 years, could bring you the answers you need.

Staying is Simpler

I stayed in one marriage for five years after I knew it was over. Many people stay much longer. Staying is easier on the pocket book. Staying does not involve having to move into an apartment, paying child support or being homeless. Staying means you keep all your toys and comforts. It is certainly cheaper for a couple to stay together. A Divorce is expensive. Many men struggle to make child support payments and have nothing left over. Money is not what brings us joy or lasting happiness. A house may be beautiful, but it may not bring you lasting peace or harmony in our hearts.

The question is, do those comforts bring you joy, or do they create a prison for your soul?

I recently received a phone call from someone who met me in person. He is facing challenges in his life on every level. His marriage, work and personal life seemed to be wrought with strife. The outside circumstances of his life were showing him something needed to change. He could not do it alone. He hadn't thus far, he knew changes needed to happen. He told me that in my presence, he felt better, happier, and could see his own potential for his life to be better. He wondered what I did for that to occur. I did nothing. I was just present with him.

What Can You Do On Your Own?

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Remember what you turn your focus and energy to expands. If you focus on happiness, passion, joy, that is what you will experience. If you focus on how miserable you are, how your wife is a bitch and life is not worth living, that is what you will experience. How can you take care of yourself while you decide what it is that makes you truly happy? The following is what I did and it worked for me. I will gift you with some of the tools that helped me heal and get to the place of permanent joy.

  1. Focus on you. Your spouse is not your problem. If you leave this person for another, you will find the same issues will turn up, because you have not changed. Patterns still exist within you that need to be reprogrammed. You most likely have emotions trapped inside your body, causing you physical pain. Those can be released with me. So take time for introspection and get to know YOU. 
  2. What is your INTENTION? Having an intention to heal is a good intention. Being more specific about what your intention is will help you enormously. Your intention could be to be more productive in your community. Your intention could be to be present with your wife, children and friends. Your intention could be simply to be happy and help others be happy also. Write your intention down. Writing helps bring it into manifestation. Writing helps you see where you are going. Writing brings your thoughts into reality.
  3. Write down 10 things that you love about you. If you have difficulty, think about your eyes, your talents, your generosity, kindness... but come up with 10. Don't just think about this, put your hand over the middle of your chest, go inside and feel the answers, rather than THINK about them. Write your answers in your journal.
  4. What do you love to do? What brings you joy? Is it a walk out in nature? A trip to the beach. Meditation? Write down 10 things you love to do. Then do one of these every day for yourself. Self-care, self-nurturing is key to healing. Most of us focus on others, so thinking about ourselves is quite foreign. It is important and part of coming to joy.
  5. What are you passionate about? Are you passionate about health, fitness, spirituality, giving to others? Your work? Whatever you are passionate about drill down to understand why you are so passionate about these things. Write, write write. Writing about these things will help you move energy and come to a deeper understanding of who you are and where you derive your happiness from.
  6. Have a spiritual practice. Begin each day with prayers of gratitude. This should be number one on your hit parade! Without gratitude, you will not receive more. Gratitude focuses on the good you have which will increase the good to more and more GOOD STUFF! 
  7. Meditate. Do your spiritual practice daily. Repetitive spiritual practice is needed to heal. You are mind, body, spirit, not just a body with a mind. The importance of spiritual practice is greatly understated. Without it, you will not have faith. Without it you will feel unsupported by The Universe and Source/God/Spirit.
  8. Play with your inner child. Do what your inner child wants. Skip, play hopscotch, be silly, laugh, swim. Have some
    fun! One of the fastest ways to feeling joy is to reconnect with the little you. Your inner child is real, not imagined. All you have to do is believe! Why do children have so much fun? Because they are connected with their inner child. They play. Most of us have forgotten how to and don't recognize how necessary it is. Just because you are grown up, doesn't mean you can't play! Your soul will love you for it. Life will be infinitely better when you have some fun and play.
  9. Get outside every day. Nature, the outdoors will cleanse your energy and ground you. Breathe. 
  10. Be present. Looking over your shoulder about what you didn't do, or should have done will cause you stress and keep you stuck in the past. Live and breathe (literally) in the present. Breathe in deeply. Exhale completely. Repeat three times. Breathing will help ground you and bring you into the present.
  11. Forgive yourself. Do the Ho'oponopono prayer for yourself first and then anyone you feel you have hurt. You don't need to have anyone apologize to you. Forgiveness unburdens you. 
  12. Be kind to yourself and others. Lose the baseball bat that you beat yourself up with. Lose the magnifying glass that you look at yourself through. Love yourself completely, not just the pretty sweet smelling parts - all of you. When you stop trying to excise the parts of you that are unresolved or that you
    think you need fixing, you will begin to feel more worth. You are worthy. You deserve love. So give it to yourself and then become a magnet for love and all manner of wondrous people and circumstances to flow to you. 
One of the things that I do, is to clear trapped sorrow, grief, heartache, anger, trauma and other emotions from your cells, and heart. This work is life-changing. E-mail Jennifer now to book a heart healing session or coaching session now. 

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. 

Steve Jobs

I met Jennifer at one of her workshops that a friend recommended to me.  At that time I was searching, and wanting some help out of my deep depression and anxiety.
Keeping in touch, I joined her on line workshops, and eventually her coaching once a week.

One of my earliest coaching sessions with Jennifer, I felt complete trust, like I have never felt with anyone in my ENTIRE LIFE.  I told her my deepest darkest secrets, and she welcomed me into her loving space.  For this, I will never ever forget, and will be eternally grateful.    

She allowed me to be where I was, no rescue, no high expectation - no pat advice that I have heard over and over - not landing anywhere in me that could really grow.

Her advice was simple and doable, small steps to move forward - with kindness, and no judgment allowed me to open up.
The meditations helped me see my guides and myself in a new light.  

As I grew in compassion and respect for myself as a result from the coaching sessions, vast changes in me occurred.I feel happier, more peaceful, more truly loving now.
In both my professional life and personal life, the changes though subtle, were highly significant:  I easily am present with people and they sense this.  If nothing else occurs, I feel that this is a huge gift, to be able to connect with people so that they feel heard and significant. N.A., Atlanta, GA

Contact Jennifer now for questions, or to set up an appointment

Consciousness is our heritage, our innermost nature,
a spontaneous, natural, childlike state. 
~ Swami Amar Jyoti