When we are teenagers, we feel totally invincible. As we get older, the fear of death figures prominently. For others the fear of looking silly, falling on our faces, or failing is what holds us back. When we make excuses for not living fully, we miss out on life and living in joy.
We make excuses that we are pregnant, have small children, or have bad knees. We see a sign, like the one above that says that the trail is closed - this could make you stop.
Yet, the people I asked said that there was water in several spots, but not enough to stop you from doing your hike. In the past, that would have been enough to stop me. Today, I thought, a little water won't hurt me. It might also be good for the dogs to cool off and get a drink. Seeing things from a different perspective help you to simply walk through the road blocks of life.
We get stuck in patterns of behavior, Saturday afternoon movies on the couch, or Sunday game day. These patterns and routines can stop us from living fully. When we begin to live outside of the parameters of "normal limits" we begin to live life passionately, rather than just exist.
Since I began to live fully in every breath, I receive joy from the smallest and simplest of things. A mountain flower, a pristine view on a meditative walk, a crystal clear stream or just being out in the sunshine. Our energy feels better when we can get outside. We expand our lungs when we walk taking in more oxygen. Moving our body helps to burn off calories and increases oxygen in our blood stream. We are healthier when we can get ourselves outside in the
beauty of nature. Today, after posting an article on my blog, I wondered when my adult children would be up and ready for our trip to Estes Park, Colorado. I could have continued to work at home. I certainly had plenty to do. When you run your own business you could work every day of the week. Betasso Preserve was calling me. It had been for several days. My dogs wanted a walk and I had not made it to this beautiful mountain park. Betasso Preserve Mountain Trail
beauty of nature. Today, after posting an article on my blog, I wondered when my adult children would be up and ready for our trip to Estes Park, Colorado. I could have continued to work at home. I certainly had plenty to do. When you run your own business you could work every day of the week. Betasso Preserve was calling me. It had been for several days. My dogs wanted a walk and I had not made it to this beautiful mountain park. Betasso Preserve Mountain Trail
I considered staying home and waiting for everyone to get up. Then I recognized if I stayed home, I would not get my walk in and I might even feel like I gave something up for someone else. I used to do that all the time. Today, I recognized that my walk was my meditation. We would just leave for Rocky Mountain National Park later on. My sense was that they would sleep in anyway. I packed up the dogs and loaded them into the back seat of my car. They love their morning walk.
As we neared Betasso Preserve, I opened the windows for the dogs in the back seat. Karma who is almost 15, perked up her ears and began to lean out the window. She was in heaven! She knew where she was. She remembered our early morning walks on the trails, where the deer were profuse and the quiet was so beautiful. In the fall the park was almost empty. We loved those walks.
When I lived in Boulder, in 2012, we were close to Betasso Preserve. I could almost fall out of bed and be on the trail. We lived among mountain lions, black bears and racoons. Deer, fox and elk were often spotted on trail walks.
My older dog, Karma and I would walk there every morning. This mountain park is comprised of 782 acres of pristine Colorado beauty. It is one of my favorite places in Boulder.
My heart opens here and I feel so thrilled to be alive. This unspoiled space allows you to connect with the joy of life. Everything is fully alive, thriving naturally. The amazing beauty of this great expanse of open untouched beauty fills you with love. It is a thrilling feeling to connect with this beauty, in the moment and breathe in fresh air, filling your lungs.
All along the path wildflowers grow naturally. It is amazing to me how little flowers bloom and thrive on top of rock ledges, without anyone caring for them. This natural creation is a miracle to me. To find such beauty and be able to walk these mountain paths makes you feel so alive, happy and joyful. I may sound like a crazy person. I just don't care. Until you have experienced this place, or a place as unspoiled as Betasso Preserve, no buildings to spoil the view, no hotels or shops, and only happy hikers who are just as thrilled to be present as I was.
Here are some of the people I encountered on this 4 mile hike, that were out there, without excuses and living their life passionately.
This is Wendy and Daniel. Wendy is 3 weeks away from delivering her first child. She and her husband were doing the 4 mile loop.
Even with two small children, this young mother of two managed to get out in the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature. No excuses here.
Cacti grow in the higher dry elevations along with stone crop (yellow flowers).
I don't know where else such fit and ruggedly good-looking met run around half naked. I have to say, this is another amazing benefit of Colorado. The view is amazing! Ladies, this is another reason to vacation in Boulder!
This cute couple knew each other in high school in Buffalo New York. After graduation, Mark moved to Colorado to attend college. He returned to Buffalo and re-connected with Erin. They have been married a year and a half, happily.
What are your excuses for not doing what YOU LOVE? I would love to hear your comments below. How about moving beyond your limiting beliefs and serve up some joy for yourself? Do what you love and expand your mind, and life a little more. Life is short, why not make yours one big THRILL RIDE?