By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind
on things we desire, not the things we fear." ~Brian Tracy
on things we desire, not the things we fear." ~Brian Tracy
Nothing that happens does so by chance. There are no accidents or coincidences. Everything that happens is a direct manifestation of where you are directing your energy, attention, and consciousness. Whether you recognize it or not you are manifesting everything in your life from the money in your bank account to every relationship that you have. We are always manifesting.
We are actually powerful magnets. We send out whatever we are thinking coupled with our powerful emotions and like a boomerang the universe brings us what we are focusing on.
If we are focused on not having enough money for our car payment, the universe proves us right by giving us no money.
If we think and believe that we will never find love, we will be given exactly that, no love.
Our physical possesions reflect the quality of our energy. When you feel good about yourself you are able to charge what you are worth. When your self-esteem is low, you may drive an older model car because you feel you don't deserve better. Our negative ideas and beliefs cause us to manifest less than what we deserve. As our self-esteem builds and we feel better about ourselves, we begin to manifest greater and more expensive things.
When we begin to take notice of how we feel about ourselves; that we don't deserve to have the life, relationship, body, health, money, job, clothes, car, that you desire, you recognize that it is your beliefs that are keeping you from having and manifesting those things.
A beautiful new car makes you feel better about yourself. The very thing that your unconscious is telling you that you don't deserve is what will help you to feel more deserving.
The more aware we can be of who we are, the easier it is to remedy the way we feel inside. We can process old emotions and clear the old patterns away, which will help us feel better about ourselves. We can give love to ourselves to raise our self-esteem, hire a coach who will help us see the truth in ourselves. We can re-create ourselves to be who we want to be by giving love to ourselves. Affirmations work very well. Know that you deserve the very best.
Repeat These Mantras For Empowerment
- God and The Universe love me.
- The Universe is always and in every way supporting me for my highest and best good.
- The Universe is expanded.
- Therefore I am expanded
- There is no lack in the Universe
- Therefore there is no lack within me.
- The Universe is abundant
- Therefore I am abundant
- I am a child of God (and The Universe).
- I am loved completely for who I am.
- I am deserving of abundance, prosperity, and love.
- I am worthy.
- I am prosperous.
- I am loved.
Once we feel empowered and loved, I have found the fastest way to get what we want is to ask questions. Just a week ago, I manifested a new roof for my house just by asking, "How can I effortlessly and easily have a new roof?"
That very day, my ceiling in the back bedroom fell due to a leak from my Swamp cooler on the roof and my landlord announced he would be putting on a new roof. He also is painting the entire house with a Feng Shui makeover, the correct color for the direction it is facing! How great is that?
Our neural pathways can be changed from negative to positive by focusing on feeling good, happy with ourselves and grateful for what we have. Recognizing our negative self-talk and habitual patterns is paramount to having what we want. Turning our thoughts to the positive ignoring the negative and focusing on what we want rather than what we don't' want will help you get there.
When we feel good about ourselves, we also become more self-aware. We notice our thoughts, emotions and how we feel. We can shift our consciousness and neural pathways through meditation, doing affirmations to empower ourselves so that we shift how we feel and raise our vibration. Feeling good is an essential part of manifesting our desires both
material and relationships. Following are the steps to manifesting once you have done the affirmations above.
You deserve happiness, to be comfortable, secure and have your needs met. You can manifest some amazing things once you feel good about yourself.
"We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~Marianne Williamson
Conscious Manifesting Versus Unconscious
When you are aware of what you want, you become crystal clear and focused. The more clarity you have about what you want, the faster and easier you can manifest it. We can manifest our day by waking with gratitude for being alive and stating, "Today will be a powerfully happy and positive day for me!"
- Get crystal clear on what you want.
- Manifest one thing at a time.
- Focus on that one thing.Write it down.
- Breathe deeply to be present. Take three deep inhalations, exhaling deeply and slowly.
- Feel good, positive and excited. Emotion brings your manifestations to you faster.
- Focus on what you want.Ask, "How can I effortlessly and easily get ________________"Say thank you!
- Know it is already on it's way to you.
- Know without a doubt it is done!
- Be in complete faith that everything is in Divine Order and it is on its way!
5 Steps To Get What You Want
- Get present by breathing slowly and deeply.
- Focus on what you want.
- Ask for it with feeling (emotions bring it faster!)
- Say Thank you!
- Know that it's done!
The better we feel about us, the faster we are able to manifest. The happier, more joyful you are, the faster you can manifest. When we are in fear, we manifest what we fear. Faith and fear don't go together. You are either in fear or faith. I clear fear for many people which helps them manifest their desires faster.
Beginning January 22 - in 2017, Join me for From Tainted To True love to manifest the love you desire. I am re-booting this course. I facilitated it last fall with great success. If you have a habit of repeating the same relationship over and over that doesn't support you, or can't seem to attract love to you in any form, this course is for you. Whether you are single or coupled, this course will help you be more vulnerable, authentic, with greater intimacy and better sex.
This course was originally a four-week course. I have extended it to include valuable tips on sexual intimacy and passion. It is now six weeks. It will transform the way you think about the opposite sex, love, and relationships! $247 for six weeks of transformational coaching and energy sessions with Jennifer in a group format. Plus you also receive the Aphrodite Effect 3-hour audio course for early sign-up! A $99.00 VALUE!
don't advertise; my business is built by word-of-mouth. Sharing
Set up your private session with me to find your joy and happiness within. I help men and women find lasting happiness.
Jennifer is currently working on her third book:
Happy Here, Happy Anywhere
The Step-By-Step Guide For Overcoming Depression, Anxiety and Unhappiness Without A Prescription!
Visit Aphrodite Jennifer's website