Saturday, July 30, 2016

How To Love Yourself Fearlessly Everyday

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

You, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~ Buddha 

When we love ourselves everything in our lives becomes easier. Our relationships improve, we become infinitely more happy, successful and have ease in our life. Filling your personal love tank with our love and acceptance will change our lives for the better faster than any amount of money or success will. Until we love ourselves, we won't feel it when another person does.

Be patient with yourself. You didn't get here overnight. Loving the self is a daily practice. These 21 steps will provide a guide along your path of self-love. Not sure if you love yourself? 

1. Accept yourself the way you are. Loving acceptance means to stop trying to twist yourself around to be something you are not. Recognize you were created the way you are for a reason. 

2. Be authentic. Authenticity means that you are truly yourself. Being a chameleon attempting to be what we think another person expects us to be reduces our personal power and drains our energy. Being something other than what you are also will create anxiety. When you are the same with your doctor as you are with the cashier at the grocery store and the homeless person on the street you are authentic. Authenticity gives you strength. 

3. Stop comparing. There is no one else like you. When we compare ourselves with another, we feel weak, negative and are often filled with self-hatred. What another person thinks of you isn't your concern. Dress for yourself. When you feel good about your others, feel it.

4. Validate yourself. Looking for approval from others like our parents, teachers, bosses, clients or strangers reduces our personal power. Instead give value to yourself. When you feel bad, allow yourself to do so, it's okay. Don't allow another person to tell you how you should feel about a given situation. You are the only one that knows how you feel.

5. Stop judging. Judging yourself for your thoughts, feelings or the way you look disempowers you. Self-approval is paramount for 
good self-esteem. Be okay with how you feel rather than condemning yourself for feeling or thinking a certain way.

How Your Thoughts Create Disease

6. Trust yourself. Trusting your inner guidance and listening to your intuition is empowering. The more you trust yourself, the more personal power you will have, the stronger you feel. Self-doubt is one of the biggest issues people have that don't love themselves. If you don't trust yourself, you end up attracting people who lie, cheat and will steal from you.

7. Nurture yourself. Feeding your soul through activities that feel good, like taking a walk out in nature, a hot bath, meditating, resting when you need to will power you up and soothe you when you feel bad. 

8. Allow yourself to feel. Attempting to run away from feelings or emotions will cause you further suffering and pain. Feel what you are feeling fully. Sit with your feelings and breathe deeply. The feelings will pass very soon. Attempting to run away suppresses emotions causes us to feel numb and health issues down the road. A big part of awakening is feeling our emotions fully, rather than running away from them.

9. Be grateful for the big and small things in life. One of the first things I did was to say, "Thank you for my life, " each morning upon awakening. When we are grateful to be alive, we begin to recognize that every day is a gift, and there are many other things we have to be grateful for. Gratitude opens our heart and raises our vibration. 

10. Make a commitment to physical health. Most people don't commit to being healthy, vibrantly alive and feeling good about life. When you make a personal commitment to yourself, you begin to focus on healthier choices for foods, reducing alcohol, drugs, and exercise for our well-being. Remember your body is sacred. Making a personal commitment to you is paramount for happiness and well-being. 

11. Respect yourself. Self-respect is palpable. When we respect ourselves, we make better decisions about what is good for us, who we want in our lives and what we will and won't tolerate. When we lack self-respect others, disrespect us as well.

12. Know that you are worthy. Most people that don't love themselves feel unworthy. Unworthiness is one of the first things I clear in a session. When the programs, beliefs, and emotion of unworthiness is cleared, it becomes far easier to recognize self-worth. 

13. Know that you are lovable. When we don't love ourselves, we feel unlovable. Your soul essence is love. You wouldn't be here if you didn't have a purpose or reason. You have much to give the world. You are already loved. 

14. Speak your truth. Staying mute about how you feel is disempowering. Practice saying what is true for you with compassion towards yourself and others.

15. Take action where you need to. Do what you know needs to be done, without delay. Getting things done helps you feel successful and empowered. Unpack that suitcase! Put away those dishes! Improve the elements of your life that you can. Know what you have control of (yourself) rather than others. 

16. Focus on you rather than what others are doing. Most of us focus on what others are doing when we don't feel good about ourselves and our life, instead look inside. Focus on you. Ask yourself questions: "How does this make me feel?" "How am I being triggered by what this person is saying to me?" "What event does this remind me of from my past?" Asking yourself questions raises our awareness making us a witness in our lives which is powerful for healing the past. 

17. Stop trying to fix or change others. When we focus on ourselves (number 16 above) we stop trying to change others. We have no control over another person. Attempting to fix or change others is an avoidance of ourselves.

18. Be gentle and loving with yourself. Notice what is good rather than what is wrong with you. Wherever you focus your attention grows. Emphasize your positive traits and turn your attention away from what you feel needs to be fixed. 

18. Stop worrying. Worry is a waste of time and energy. Worry causes anxiety. You are okay as you are. Things always have a way of working out for the best. Worrying doesn't make anything better. 

19. Forgive. Forgive yourself for your past choices rather than continue to beat yourself up. There is no right or wrong. There is no such thing as failure, only gifts, and lessons. Recognize the lesson and move on.

20. Be fearless. Don't be afraid to be yourself. People will love you for being true to you. 

21. Be accountable. Our word is all we have. Taking responsibility for our words, actions and deeds leads to strong character and self-respect. We feel guilt and shame when we make excuses. When we take responsibility for ourselves, our health, happiness and our choices we step into our personal power. Making excuses for yourself is disempowering and makes you a victim. Life isn't happening to you, it is happening FOR YOU!

Jennifer is a healer, sex, love, and happiness coach that clears limiting beliefs, blocks, and self-sabotage from the past so that you can have the life, love, and happiness you desire. A healed healer herself, she helps others overcome anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, guilt, shame, insecurities that block you from having healthy relationships and happiness. 

Connect with Jennifer to schedule your free discovery
session to see if her work is a good fit for your happiness. 

Find Jennifer's books on

Jennifer is currently working on her third book: 

Happy Here, Happy Anywhere:

The Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Unhappiness Without A Prescription!

© Jennifer Elizabeth Masters    All Rights Reserved. 

No part may be copied or reproduced in any form without the author's written consent.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

How To Use The Ho'oponopono Prayer To Forgive

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

In my practice I encounter many people stuck in unforgiveness. We don't have to like what was done to us to forgive. We certainly don't have to talk to our perpetrators to forgive them either. The best and fastest path I have found in over thirty years of healing is the Kahuna healing prayer from Hawaii, the Ho'oponopono Prayer.

When we sit in unforgiveness it is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

I'm sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you

The Kahuna healers of Hawaii use this prayer to heal serious physical harm, rape, sexual molestation, and abuse. The prayer is very simple with profound healing effects.

How Healing Ourselves Heals Our Relationships

The way to use the prayer is simple. 

  1. Repeat the words slowly, forgiving yourself for anything you have ever done to hurt you first. 
  2. Always begin any healing practice with you first. 
  3. Think about any time you ever put yourself in harm's way. 
  4. Repeat the prayer. 
  5. Think about any time you ever beat yourself up verbally rather than loving and accepting yourself. 
  6. Repeat the prayer. 
  7. Spend about fifteen minutes repeating the prayer slowly until you feel complete. 

You may cry. That's perfectly natural when you turn loving words toward yourself. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up. Feel the feelings and repeat the prayer with deeper compassion toward yourself. 

To Forgive Another Person

  1. Think of the other person. 
  2. Think about what the other person did to you.
  3. Breathe. 
  4. Thinking about the past may bring up old feelings or hate, anger, indignation, confusion, conflict and even pain. 
  5. Be compassionate toward you.
  6. Repeat the prayer slowly for about twenty minutes or more.

Why Forgive?

Forgiveness releases us from the burden of suffering. Forgiveness is for us, not the other person. We feel lighter and can let go of the past trauma once we have forgiven.

What Happens If I Don't Forgive?

Holding onto old hurts can cause diseases like cancer. Cancer is caused by deep hurt, longstanding resentment or a deep secret eating away at the self or carrying hatreds. Breast cancer is from holding all of the aforementioned plus a refusal to nourish the self, putting everyone else first, overmothering, overprotection and overbearing attitudes.

Holding onto these old hurts does you no good. Letting go and forgiving is healing for you. To be happy in life we need to forgive those who we feel have hurt us, including ourselves. Otherwise, we end up feeling the need to be rescued. Being a victim is disempowering. 

Healing A Relationship
I gave this prayer to my daughter ten months before her father died, she was fifteen at the time. She was very angry with him for many reasons. I told her she needed to get over her anger and heal her relationship with her father. I printed the prayer on a post-it note. She took it and went inside her bedroom and prayed the prayer for about forty minutes. She told me she had a huge catharsis and breakthrough beyond the anger. 

After doing the prayer, my daughter went on to have a very close relationship with her father until the day he died. 

This prayer is magical and can heal past hate, and trauma. I highly recommend it to everyone.

 is a healer, sex, love, and happiness coach that clears limiting beliefs, blocks, and self-sabotage from the past so that you can have the life, love, and happiness you desire. A healed healer herself, she helps others overcome anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, guilt, shame, insecurities that block you from having healthy relationships and happiness. 

Connect with Jennifer to schedule your free discovery
session to see if her work is a good fit for your happiness. 

Find Jennifer's books on

Jennifer is currently working on her third book: 

Happy Here, Happy Anywhere:

The Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Unhappiness Without A Prescription!

© Jennifer Elizabeth Masters    All Rights Reserved. 

No part may be copied or reproduced in any form without the author's written consent.

5 Ways To Activate The Brain's Natural Opiates To Get High On Life

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Washing my ceramic tile floor this morning I was thinking of how much I love a clean house but don't like the act of cleaning. In fact, I avoid doing the things I hate at all costs. How many things do you do on a daily basis that you hate to do? Why not activate your brain's natural opiates instead and get high on life. Here are 5 of my favorite ways:

1. Hire a housekeeper. Having someone else do the jobs you hate to do allows you time to do things you love doing. This one is very high on my list. Not only will you have more time to do the things you love, you will enjoy your clean house. Having order in your home is paramount to feeling peaceful and high on life.

2. Walk outside in nature. More people are living in urban environments now than ever before. We need trees, greenery and plants around us for vibrant health. Science supports the theory that getting out in nature relieves anxiety; obsessive thoughts decrease while cognition and memory improve. Nature makes us feel good. Rock climbing, cycling, or just walking out in a park away from buildings gives us 

Our telomeres which are at the end of our DNA strands become more flexible rather than brittle extending life and youthfulness with regular exercise, especially in nature. Smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, and unhealthy diet is a predictor of Telomere shortening.  Associated Telomere shortening is a predictor of the early onset of age-related illnesses, osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer and coronary disease.

3. Celebrate life through dance. Tribal peoples have always known that dance is important not only to celebrate life but because it feels so good. Dance can lead to a feeling of ecstasy found in sex or a runner's high, releasing oxytocin, serotonin and activating the opiates in the brain. When we get beyond regular movement into trance dancing or ecstatic dance endorphins are released, and we experience a natural high. The brain also has natural opiates to decrease pain; dance can help you in many ways.

4. Orgasm. Whether you are single or partnered experiencing an orgasm is an incredible high. Witness the rush of kundalini up the spine and into the frontal cortex of the brain and third eye - it is amazing! Seratonin, oxytocin, and endorphins are released at the time of orgasm. Pain is suppressed, and the brain receives a high. What's not to like?

5. Chant or repeat mantras. There is science behind the ecstatic chanting of monks and Saints. Ecstatic chanting is very similar to sexual activity in the brain, causing you to feel high. The following excerpt is from The Scientific American Book of Love, Sex and the Brain by Judith Horstman and Scientific American: 

“Jefferson University neuroscientist Andrew Newberg scanned the brains of praying Catholic nuns and meditating Buddhist monks and found some overlap between their neural activity and that of sexually aroused subjects (as seen in scans from other researchers). The correlation makes sense, according to Newberg. Just as sex involves a rhythmic activity so do religious practices such as chanting, dancing and repetition of a mantra. Religious experiences produce sensations of bliss, transcendence beyond one’s self and unity with the loved one that is very like the ecstasy of orgasm. That may be why some mystics, such as St. Teresa, describe their rapture with romantic or even sexual language.”

Mantras are what I used to quiet my mind chatter. I hadn't had brain chatter since 2007 when I began doing a process called Ascension. Now I teach a similar method which leads to congruency in the brain. Mantras elongate our brainwaves that create congruency. Congruency in the brain calms us down and makes us feel good. Following are several you can use.

om mane padme hom

Jai Uttal ecstatic chanting

To book your session with Jennifer e-mail her at

 is a healer, sex, love, and happiness coach that clears limiting beliefs, blocks, and self-sabotage from the past so that you can have the life, love, and happiness you desire. A healed healer herself, she helps others overcome anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, guilt, shame, insecurities that block you from having healthy relationships and happiness. 

Connect with Jennifer to schedule your free discovery
session to see if her work is a good fit for your happiness. 

Find Jennifer's books on

Jennifer is currently working on her third book: 

Happy Here, Happy Anywhere:

The Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Unhappiness Without A Prescription!

© Jennifer Elizabeth Masters    All Rights Reserved. 

No part may be copied or reproduced in any form without the author's written consent.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

5 Ways To Overcome A Snoring Partner Without Moving Rooms

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

One in four married couples sleep in separate rooms. Snoring and sleep deprivation is being cited as the culprit. In a society where we are disconnected all day with work, social media, cell phones and business, for some couples, the only time they have quiet moments to snuggle and share intimacy is at night. 

You have more sex sleeping together.
You live longer by sleeping with your partner.

None of us want to admit it. Snoring isn't our most favorable trait. I've been known to wake myself up after hearing myself sawing logs! 

Here are five ways to keep your lover in your bed and your connection alive when one or both of you snore.

1. Lose weight. Weight gain is a pesky culprit for many things, snoring is one of them. Losing weight can help you with erectile dysfunction and better general health. Besides, how can you run after her when you can't keep up?

2. Avoid Alcohol. Alcohol and sedatives relax the back of the throat causing you to snore. Even Dimetapp or Benadryl will cause snoring when taken occasionally. Drinking alcohol four to five hours before sleeping will cause you to snore.

3. Get to bed earlier. Going to bed exhausted has the same effect as drinking alcohol before bed. When you work too hard for too long, you fall into bed exhausted. The throat relaxes causing snoring. Take better care of yourself by quitting work earlier when possible, and going to bed before you are exhausted.

4. Moisturize and hydrate! A room too dry and a stuffy nose can cause snoring. Take a hot shower before bed, use a cool humidifier for added moisture. Inhaling steam in the shower can help to hydrate nasal passages. Make sure you are drinking enough water. A dehydrated mouth and nose will cause you to snore. Water is needed especially if you drink caffeine during the day as it dehydrates the body. Women require 11 cups of water a day and men 16 cups.

5. Get a new pillow. As Oprah says your pillow is not your friend. If you have been carting your pillow with you since childhood it is time to get a new one. Dust mites, allergens, and other unsightly germs accumulate on your pillow. Change your pillow every six months. In between times throw that bad boy in the dryer for ten minutes to kill anything that lingers. 

Ignoring snoring is dangerous. It could be a sign of something very serious. Too many of us slough off signs thinking it is natural to snore. If none of these tips work, you might have a sleep apnea. 
Sleep apnea is a sign of a serious health issue: high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or weight gain.

Ear plugs can be a short-term solution, but are another way of ignoring a problem.

Disconnection is all too easy these days. Ask yourself, is snoring the excuse for me to create distance between me and my partner? Moving out of your marital bedroom creates distance in more ways than one. You will not only have more sex but the opportunity to connect through conversations and spooning after that blissful coupling!
Source: Web MD

Client Testimonials
"Whoever embarks on the journey of true self-discovery needs courage, resolve and...some real help. Jennifer was  just the person to do that. She totally gets the challenges because she has lived it. Her wisdom, strength and intuition were key to helping me through a divorce, a move and a new business. Happening all at the same time of course. The best part. The results were almost immediate. I am used to  the talk talk therapy that takes at least 2 years with minimum results. I was able to find my perfect home with minimal stress and kick start an award winning business. In a month! If someone could just bottle up what she has and give it to every mental health professional, the world would be a better place! Don't wait. She's just simply an amazing person with a gift that works." 
All the best,
Alice C Bolstad, 
AC Landscape Design

Sunday, July 24, 2016

How Can You Create Happiness Love and Health Through Pain

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

This one-hour video details how I overcame intense emotional and physical pain and illness and moved into complete self-love and acceptance, which led to tremendous happiness and awakening for me. If I can do it, I can help you get there too!

Visit Jennifer's website:

Sign up for her personal and insightful newsletter sharing love and happiness tips and wisdom. 

To book your session with Jennifer while you still can e-mail her at

 is a healer, sex, love, and happiness coach that clears limiting beliefs, blocks, and self-sabotage from the past so that you can have the life, love, and happiness you desire. A healed healer herself, she helps others overcome anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, guilt, shame, insecurities that block you from having healthy relationships and happiness. 

Connect with Jennifer to schedule your free discovery
session to see if her work is a good fit for your happiness. 

Find Jennifer's books on

Jennifer is currently working on her third book: 

Happy Here, Happy Anywhere:

The Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Unhappiness Without A Prescription!

© Jennifer Elizabeth Masters    All Rights Reserved. 

No part may be copied or reproduced in any form without the author's written consent.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

How Constant Criticism Leads To Autoimmune Disorders

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Imagine a newborn baby girl. This baby is perfect, with ten tiny fingers and toes. She has beautiful skin and a rosy complexion.

When this baby is born, it is yelled at for crying. Her parents scream at her when she needs to be held and slam the bedroom door leaving her uncared for and unloved.

When she is hungry her parents yell, "Stupid baby shut up!" Her parents tell her she is ugly, a waste of their time, an idiot and useless.  When her diapers are dirty, a perfectly natural phenomenon her parent tell her she stinks and is a horrible baby. Over time, this beautiful little girl begins to believe that she is stupid,  ugly, horrible, stinky, dirty and useless. Her immune system begins to shut down because she is useless after all. Most likely this girl will become a victim, and be raped or molested. She is, after all, a victim. 

Trauma in our childhood whether it is losing a parent early, having alcoholic or addicted parents, being unwanted or unloved all help to create a background of negativity and feelings of being unlovable, unworthy and undeserving. Perpetuating these feelings with our thoughts continues to impact our psyche, body, unconscious mind and eventually our health.

My Personal Discovery of Creating Ill Health

When I began my healing journey, I began to realize that my negativity and self-loathing were killing me. My thoughts were hateful, filled with scorn and criticism. I was sick all the time. I hated myself and my body. I had repressed anger, constant bladder and sinus infections. I got colds, the flu and rashes all over my body.

I was depressed, negative, anxious; I had Fibromyalgia and Epstein-Barr syndrome, an autoimmune disease. My body was failing because I told it was ugly, useless and flawed constantly. I perpetuated what my parents said to me. I was a useless female that didn't deserve to go to college and would never amount to anything. I jumped from job to job and marriage to marriage. I was a perfectionist a people pleaser and a chameleon. I tried to be what I thought others would like. I was highly emotional and suppressed what I truly thought. I looked for happiness and validation outside of me.

What I Let Go Of To Heal

  • I stopped giving energy to things that didn't matter. 
  • I stopped focusing on what others thought of me. 
  • I began to change my thoughts from self-defeating, critical and derisive, to loving and accepting. 
  • I stopped being critical of myself and others, 
  • I stopped worrying about what others thought of me. 
  • I stopped being late. 
  • I stopped making excuses. 
  • I stopped complaining. 

I took responsibility for my happiness and my health. JEM

As I did my health began to improve. Little by little, I became happier. I stopped being the chameleon to be accepted, trying to please others and began to be authentically me. I became happier. My depression lifted without medication! My anxiety and worry eased and went away. I am now 61 and have no pain in any part of my body. 

Loving thoughts heal the body and the mind. JEM

What Helped Me Most

  1. I was diligent about changing my thoughts from negative to positive.
  2. I used mantras in the background of my mind to reprogram my mind. 
  3. I meditated daily.
  4. I became mindful.
  5. I stopped multi-tasking.
  6. I became disciplined.
  7. I witnessed my reactions to situations.
  8. I processed my emotions.
  9. I stopped watching the news.
  10. I stopped reading the paper.
  11. I moved away from my family that was toxic.
  12. I was watchful of being true to myself.
  13. I was gentle, nurturing and loving to me.
  14. I took care of my needs first, instead of the needs of others.
  15. I cleared my energy field several times a week and more if I needed it.

Constant criticism doesn't allow our body to thrive. When our body doesn't meet our expectations, we hate our bodies. 

We make statements about this hate which destroy cells and create illness. Perfectionism, control, and fear are what lead to critiquing our every failing. Instead of making your body the enemy why not make friends with it and love it instead?

Loving thoughts send calming signals to the brain.


Negative thoughts create incongruent thought waves and create acidity in our body. 
Imagine how it feels to have someone tell you how beautiful you are. Imagine how it feels to have someone pay you a compliment on how great you look. Now feel what those thoughts do to your body. Imagine what it would feel like to have only loving thoughts in your mind about your body. Loving thoughts create perfect, vital health. 

We can just as easily create perfect vital health with our thoughts. Unfortunately, our society, big pharma, and even the medical profession do not support the positive creation of vital health. What most people fail to recognize is that every illness, pain, and disease is created by our thoughts and emotions. 

Wouldn't You Rather Have Perfect Health?

Fighting cancer
Fighting disease
Fighting fear
Fighting problems

Are not the answer!

Because you are focusing on the problem rather than the solution.

Tap in and see what you feel. 
Breathe deeply three times to tap in.
Inhale slowly and completely.
Exhale slowly. 
Inhale again completely.
Exhale completely.
Repeat this exercise once more.

Fighting illness creates poor health. We can't fight anything and win. We have to love our bodies, make friends with ourselves to create a healthy body.

Positive thoughts about ourselves create health and well-being. 

Negative thoughts about ourselves create illness, and disease.

Suppressing anger creates depression. 

Believing that we aren't in control of lives creates anxiety.

When we think loving thoughts about our body, we create vital health. Negative thoughts create negative feelings about yourself and body. Constant criticism will eventually cause you physical pain to signify you are headed in the wrong direction. If you ignore your body's signs diseases are the next level of notification. Auto-immune problems and diseases are created by your thoughts. They didn't just happen!

People that are not conscious don't want to take responsibility for their health and well-being - they believe everything a doctor tells them and dutifully take the pills prescribed without question.

(I am not suggesting that you stop your necessary medication for diabetes or high blood pressure and other serious illnesses. What I am suggesting is that you look for natural remedies when possible to heal yourself.)

Loving thoughts create congruency in the brain, like deep dreamless sleep, they heal our body and mind. Loving thoughts
alleviate anxiety and create happiness. Just like any new fitness or health regime, we need to practice thinking loving thoughts daily so that our brain will begin to make new healthy grooves and patterns. 

There is another way. Life can be hard. Honor your path and what you have been through. Heartbreak, sadness, abuse, struggle are all real and very challenging. You have done your best. Give yourself credit for what you have done and experienced. You have been through a lot. It hasn't been easy. Honor the journey you have been on. 

It is time to let go of suffering. Begin by forgiving yourself using the simple prayer of forgiveness here. This prayer is what I used to move out of shame and suffering. 

Forgive yourself for whatever you have done or said to yourself in the past that was harmful, mean or cruel. 

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. Breathe in slowly and completely to bring yourself into your body and the present moment.
  3. Exhale completely. Repeat twice more.
  4. Repeat the Ho'oponopono prayer slowly out loud until you have an emotional release or feel a shift in your energy. Sometimes this involves crying. Sometimes it involves laughter. Allow emotions come up to be released. Feeling your emotions fully is what is required to be happy and healthy.

Mantras To Heal You

Place your hands over your heart chakra

I love me.
I love my body.
I am safe. 
I am secure.

Join me for my FREE podcast and energy clearing on 
Wednesday, July 27, at 5:30 PM PST

  • You will have clarity, 
  • peace of mind, 
  • be more positive 
  • and feel lighter
  • This event will raise your vibration  
  • remove negativity and blocks to receive love
  • remove trapped emotions that keep bringing what you don't want! 

Plenty of time to ask your questions at the end!

Sign up here and you will receive your call in details.

Visit Jennifer's website:

Sign up for her personal and insightful newsletter sharing love and happiness tips and wisdom. 

To book your session with Jennifer while you still can e-mail her at

 is a healer, sex, love, and happiness coach that clears limiting beliefs, blocks, and self-sabotage from the past so that you can have the life, love, and happiness you desire. A healed healer herself, she helps others overcome anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, guilt, shame, insecurities that block you from having healthy relationships and happiness. 

Connect with Jennifer to schedule your free discovery
session to see if her work is a good fit for your happiness. 

Find Jennifer's books on

Jennifer is currently working on her third book: 

Happy Here, Happy Anywhere:

The Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Unhappiness Without A Prescription!

© Jennifer Elizabeth Masters    All Rights Reserved. 

No part may be copied or reproduced in any form without the author's written consent.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Overcome These 5 Negative Beliefs To UnBlock Your Ability To Receive Love

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Self doubt is one of our biggest mind traps. When we think we aren't enough we believe what we think. Every thought we think is like a prayer that we shout out into the generous universe and boomerangs right back to us what we are thinking to make us right. 

Shifting our doubts and finding something positive to think about ourselves will open our hearts and minds to the idea that not only is love possible, it is probable!

Our two greatest fears are that we won't be loved and that we will be abandoned. These themes play out over and over again in our lives in different ways.

1. No one will ever love me. (Belief: I am not loveable.)

2. I will never be able to find someone who loves me here. (in this town, state, country) (Belief: No one will notice me. I am unworthy of love.) 

3. There isn't anyone for me. (Belief: I am unworthy)

4. No one will ever love me when they see who I really am, if they do they will surely leave or cheat. (Belief: I am unworthy and abandonment.)

5. I am not worthy_______    (attractive enough, young enough, smart enough, sexy enough, thin enough, interesting enough, funny enough, or even datable). 

Is Your Head In The Sand?

Many people are clueless about what their issues are. They continue to attempt to have a healthy relationship with negative programming running the show. Unconscious programming runs without us being aware. It certainly did for me. My mother had Borderline Personality Disorder and was emotionally unavailable and cruel. Men cheated, lied and died on me until I cleared this issue - several different ways. (Read my example about Brenda below.)

Different Aspects Of The Same Issue

I have found in working with thousands of different cases that each person is unique in the way the programs are created and laid out. Like tracks from a song, there may be many types of abandonment that you are dealing with. 

If your mother or father was an alcoholic, or emotionally unavailable you may be dealing with abandonment and rejection issues. Even though years have passed, unless you processed and eliminated this program and the belief you will continue to attract people who will not be there for you emotionally or that will leave you physically. 

The truth of the matter is that all these limiting beliefs can be cleared. The past trauma and blocked emotions can be cleared from your field. The emotions of rejection, abandonment and not being good enough can be cleared in several different ways. Recognizing that you actually created it is part of the healing process. It takes a while to recognize that everything that happens is to move us forward into enlightenment, and feel the painfully. 

Don't feel bad. Most of us have feelings of being unlovable and unworthy. I had them too. Loving the self has to happen to be open to receive love. Once blocks to being abandoned, rejected, worthy, loveable are removed you are much more likely to find love. 

Brenda's Story

Brenda came to me feeling not good enough and empty. She had a loving partner and home but it never felt like enough. She felt that something was missing from her life. She was very unhappy deep inside.

Brenda's mother died when she was twelve. After her mother's death, she never had time to process her loss because she was the eldest. She became her father's housemaid. She cooked and cleaned and did laundry for the family. She cared for her brothers and sisters stepping in for her mother in all ways but one. Her father was mean, angry and cruel to her. She took the brunt of her father's anger about his wife dying and leaving him with three children. Brenda was berated and picked on by her father. She was unable to stand up for herself and felt helpless. She felt unworthy, unloved, rejected and abandoned. 

Brenda worked with me for three months. I cleared the abandonment, rejection and not feeling worthy issues. I cleared the beliefs that she wasn't loved. I helped her process her mother's death fully so that she was able to move forward. I coached her on her insecurity raising her confidence and helping her step into her power. The coaching helped Brenda find her voice so she could speak her truth rather than stay silent when she was upset.

The end result is that Brenda announced her engagement and is to be married later in 2016. Congratulations Brenda! You are courageous! You found your inner power and love. 

We Have To Give Love To Get Love

You know it is better to give than receive. When asked most people respond that they would love other people to make them feel better. But what about you? What do you do to make you feel better? Are your thoughts loving? Or do you think critical and negative thoughts about yourself. If you think these three thoughts you don't love you. Are you able to self nurture? Do you take care of you? You have to give love to you to become a magnet for love. 

What most people don't realize is that we are run by our unconscious mind. What does this mean? Thoughts and beliefs you aren't even aware of from past events and trauma are running your life. Even if you aren't consciously aware of it, these unconscious thoughts are what is attracting people and situations - or preventing you from having the love you desire.

Everyone is worthy of love. Everyone is loveable. When we begin to lovingly accept ourselves as we are we attract love to us. 

No More Bad Boys! - Resolving A Past Negative Pattern

Michele is a client who kept attracting bad boys who cheated. She kept dating a particular type of man who wouldn't commit, and wasn't loyal. 

I helped her move out of her comfort zone to date someone she normally wouldn't even consider dating. He didn't feel familiar. Michele grew up with a father who wasn't committed and cheated on her mother. It is quite common for daughters of cheaters to attract someone much like their dad. This new relationship has been successful and very different than what she attracted previously. I cleared her past patterns and programs of abandonment, rejection and lying men at a soul level.  Then I encouraged her to go after a man who was a very different type. I coached her through the dating process until she felt confident to fly on her own.

Coaching with me helped her resolve this issue. 

 who moved to a city where he thought he would never find love. What was surprising to him is that after doing work with me, love found him! We worked through and cleared issues with unworthiness and feeling unlovable from the past. Instead of being indifferent about dating and love he is passionate! 


Join me this Wednesday, July 27th when I will do a FREE podcast
session and clear blocks to receiving love. 

Send me your request here and I will send you the private details for this special FREE session. 

gratitude for you,

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 is a healer, sex, love, and happiness coach that clears limiting beliefs, blocks, and self-sabotage from the past so that you can have the life, love and happiness you desire. A healed healer herself, she helps others overcome anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, guilt, shame, insecurities that block you from having healthy relationships and happiness. 

Connect with Jennifer to schedule your free discovery
session to see if her work is a good fit for your happiness. 

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Jennifer is currently working on her third book: 

Happy Here, Happy Anywhere:

The Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Unhappiness Without A Prescription!

© Jennifer Elizabeth Masters    All Rights Reserved. 

No part may be copied or reproduced in any form without the author's written consent.