Thursday, April 28, 2016

How To Use This Mercury Retrograde To Follow Your Heart's Desire

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

The planet Mercury, that rules intellect, communication, technology and travel turned retrograde April 28th. Knowing what this retrograde means to you and how best to use this powerfully transformative five-week period could save you heartache and possibly prevent disaster.

Astrology is a science that helps us create our lives on purpose. I am not an astrologer but have studied and learned enough to be able to share my experience and wisdom with you.

Mercury, began it's shadow point on April 14th turning retrograde today. The retrograde period ends on May 22nd and includes two more weeks beyond that in its shadow point. Because this retrograde is happening when three other planets are turning retrograde as well has the potential to amplify and cause an even greater impact transformation and upheaval in our lives. 

This retrograde began in the carnal and sensual sign of Taurus today. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus (Aphrodite) which governs all aspects of pleasure, beauty, and love. Venus, like Aphrodite, didn't refuse any aspect of pleasure, enjoying it all. It is time to review your heart's desire with this Mercury Retrograde.

It is time to follow your heart's guidance. Love is all that matters. If you thought you said goodbye to someone in the past, it will be no surprise to hear from those from the past during this time.

Movin' and Shakin'

Retrogrades are all about taking a second look at decisions that we have made. Sometimes we make choices that don't support us. Now is an excellent time to review the way you have communicated and the self-sabotage that didn't support your highest and best good. You may find a shake up in your relationship and a return to something from long ago.

Communication Needs To Be Clear

Misunderstandings can occur when communication isn't crystal clear. Being vague can get you into difficulties. Learn to communicate effectively and honestly. Withholding information is a form of lying. It is time to come clean and communicate with clarity.

You may believe that the planets have little to no affect on your life. Just watch the tide coming and going with the rise of the moon, babies being born, and more deaths occurring at certain times of the year and you will begin to see the advantages of noting the retrograde periods.  

Pluto Retrograde

If you are a Scorpio, like me, it is time for your yearly review. Pluto began it's retrograde period April 18th. Pluto is in retrograde until September 26th. 

The planet Pluto is all about transformation, obsession, death (not necessarily of the physical body) and taxes. The Pluto Retrograde is not only about personal transformation but generational shifting as well. Death could be about old ways of communicating or being in your relationship. Now is a perfect time to focus on letting go of co-dependency, control and fears surrounding love and relationships. 

Interesting that our tax returns were due during this period. Prince made his transition during the Pluto retrograde. It is not unusual for more deaths to occur during a retrograde period. Scorpio and Capricorns will feel the extent of the Pluto retrograde more intensely. Restless tension and stress are components of this retrograde.
Walk gently on the earth

Pluto is all about the earth and our impact on it. It is time to look at how you impact this earth, what your role is and how you will leave it a better place or destroy it.

Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter are all in retrograde during the Mercury Retrograde throwing more transformation into the mix.

Get Out Of Your Way!

Until we can express our true feelings, openly we stand in our way of a soul connection and love. Holding back when you know how you feel causes confusion with your loved ones. Expressing your desires with clarity is needed to follow your heart's desire. You can transform your love life with a Mercury Retrograde. 

ASK and It Is Given

How often do you think something and suppress the urge to say it? 
How many times have you blocked yourself from having what you want? 
When is this going to change?

Note: I know of several couples (not me) that have withheld their true feelings from their partners and are now wishing for reconciliation. This retrograde period is an excellent time to make right what went wrong in the past. 

There are powerful uses for a Mercury retrograde period. I use them to my advantage rather than live in fear. Yes, I have begun dating someone during a retrograde who looked oh so promising, only to find out after the retrograde ended everything changed! 

Read the following list carefully and use this period to transform your life.

Do's and Don'ts During Mercury Retrograde


  1. clean out closets
  2. clear out unwanted and unneeded items and clutter
  3. re-do taxes
  4. review your life and heart's desire
  5. re-think
  6. re-organize
  7. look within and transform your life, world and view of your role on this planet
  8. return items you don't want
  9. plan
  10. Travel back to a place you have been to before.
  11. Move back to a place you have lived.
Don't do any of the following during a Mercury Retrograde:

  1. DO NOT start a new relationship during a Mercury retrograde it won't last even if it feels like you have met Mr. or Ms. RIGHT! Before the retrograde is over you will be scratching your head wondering how something so perfect could end so quickly. Believe me; I have given this guidance to many that didn't listen. They regretted it!
  2. Do not buy a computer.
  3. Do not get your computer repaired.
  4. Do not buy a new car. Why? You won't like it once the retrograde period ends.
  5. Do not buy a new cell phone. You will have difficulties with it.
  6. Do not buy luxury items like a house, refrigerator, washer, dryer or anything expensive during a retrograde.
  7. Do not start a new business venture.
  8. Do not get married, engaged or begin dating someone new. Jennifer Anniston is one who got married during a Mercury Retrograde. She promptly had a nervous breakdown immediately following her wedding. Why? She thought she made a terrible mistake. Regret figures prominently following Mercury Retrograde decisions.
  9. List a house for sale.
  10. Sign a contract of any kind. 
  11. Buy a new house.
  12. Move to a new place or town.

Practice Self-Love

Loving the self is the key to all healing. I have been called The Self Love Guru because the focus on my work is self-love. Everything comes from a lack of self-love - even depression and addiction. When we love ourselves unconditionally, our health, relationships, and life shifts in powerful ways. Instead of focusing on problems we begin to see the gifts and lessons along the way. We see signs that guide us rather than feeling that we are unsupported. Instead of fear we begin to strengthen our faith. Rather than living in fear, we are empowered and joyful. I highly recommend everyone take my Love Yourself Fearlessly six week course, my signature program. In one session, people are changed. In three, they begin to see changes in their lives.

To contact Jennifer Elizabeth Masters e-mail here for your FREE Discovery conversation of twenty to forty minutes. Or visit her website and sign up for her newsletter here.

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a sex and passion coach helping women express their highest potential in work, love and play. If your life, love or world isn't what you want it to be, contact Jennifer now! For information about her premium programs like Orgasm For Life Boot Camp for the mind-body and spirit, e-mail her here for a free Discovery Session.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

My latest trip to Colorado and Sedona kicked my butt. I listened to my body and have allowed myself several days to recuperate. Today was the first day I felt like dancing and dance I did! Here is what dancing does for you mind, body and soul.

Ok, yes, the title means something else and yes, that's happening

When we are happy our soul expands. When we dance we can move from an inert state to a state of flow and joy in minutes - even seconds if we allow the music to take us. Below The Jacksons in their early days of innocence will make you feel happy and get you moving! You know you want to! There are other bonuses that dancing brings they are listed below.

Today I listened to Rick James, Michael Jackson and Marvin Gaye. Tomorrow I might listen to U2, AC/DC or Foreigner, I don't know. Whatever I listen to will move me out of the place I am in and raise my energy into a higher state. I choose music that makes me feel GOOD!

It doesn't matter if you love R&B, jazz or rock, music touches the depths of our soul. It can make us cry, smile, laugh and certainly feel. Why not get out of your comfy chair that isn't your friend and move your feet. 

I dance outside because I feel the earth move under my feet. I feel the sky tumbling down! 

This week Prince left the planet after an illustrious career, contributing musically in an enormous way. Like David Bowie Prince played many instruments masterfully, exhibited his sexuality and innovative style without concern for the masses. Prince was exceptionally talented and considered a creative genius. 

I say a prayer of gratitude for him and his contribution to thousands of songs written by him, many performed by other artists, like Chaka Khan, The Bangles, Beyonce and many others. He was talented, intelligent and much more aware of what was going on here on this planet than many. I can hear the band playing in preparation for Prince's arrival, boy that man could dance, play and sing!

What does dancing do for you?

  1. Allows you to move your body as it was designed to move.
  2. Gets your heart racing.
  3. Expands your lung capacity.
  4. Tones your arms, legs, butt, stomach.
  5. Raises your vibration.
  6. Makes you feel happy.
  7. Prepares you for sex.
  8. Makes you a better lover.
  9. Makes your muscles stronger.
  10. Keeps you healthy when done daily.
  11. Makes you feel alive.
  12. Keeps you feeling sexy.
  13. Raises your hormone levels.
  14. Might even turn you on!

Practice Self-Love

Loving the self is the key to all healing. I have been called The Self Love Guru because the focus on my work is self-love. Everything comes from a lack of self-love - even depression and addiction. When we love ourselves unconditionally, our health, relationships, and life shifts in powerful ways. Instead of focusing on problems we begin to see the gifts and lessons along the way. We see signs that guide us rather than feeling that we are unsupported. Instead of fear we begin to strengthen our faith. Rather than living in fear, we are empowered and joyful. I highly recommend everyone take my Love Yourself Fearlessly six week course, my signature program. In one session, people are changed. In three, they begin to see changes in their lives.

To contact Jennifer Elizabeth Masters e-mail here for your FREE Discovery conversation of twenty to forty minutes. Or visit her website and sign up for her newsletter here.

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a sex and passion coach helping women express their highest potential in work, love and play. If your life, love or world isn't what you want it to be, contact Jennifer now! For information about her premium programs like Orgasm For Life Boot Camp for the mind-body and spirit, e-mail her here for a free Discovery Session.

Download my Free APP on I-Tunes

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

You Can't Trust A Politician With A Hard-On To Do The Right Thing

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Remember Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton? Most of us do. Bill Clinton created a paradigm that many adults and plenty of teens today are living. Clinton said and I quote, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Monica Lewinsky's dress told the truth. Many believe what Clinton created: oral sex, does not constitute sex. WRONG! The fact that Clinton's semen spilled over the front of Monica's dress proved a sexual affair. 

I've got news for you! If an encounter involves a mouth and a penis or vagina, it is SEX!

If you want someone who cares about you, not just what they can "get from you," here you go!

Plenty of teens think they are not having sex, by giving a boy a blow job at the back of a school bus or under the bleachers. In fact, even anal sex is believed by many teens to not be considered sex. 

What Constitutes Sex?

  1. Oral sex
  2. A Hand job
  3. Anal sex
  4. Masturbation of another person
  5. Causing another to have an orgasm by any means

Sex isn't bad or wrong in fact, sex is perfectly natural. Pretending that you haven't had sex when you have is denial. You can't be partly pregnant any more than you can sort of dable with a penis or a vagina. If it involves a sexual body part, it's sex. It's really very simple.

The Truth Will Set you Free!

Monica Lewinsky was 22 when she fell in love with Bill Clinton, her boss. The price of her affair was shame. Her TED Talk is enlightening. Monica Lewinsky became infamous due to the Internet. It was the click that reverberated around the world. She was humilated world-wide. 

In the process of being cyber-bullied and ashamed, Monica Lewinsky almost lost her life. Shame and humiliation are issues that I help women heal from. The more numb that we become, the more we are attracted to public humiliation. It is a symptom of the culture we have created. Our beliefs need to be changed. Public shaming needs to stop. Shame cannot survive empathy. Empathy from one person can make a difference. Instead of bullying, post positive comments instead.

Visit Jennifer's website:

Monday, April 25, 2016

How Your Thoughts Create Disease

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

I was recently discussing the fact that I used to have Epstein Barr autoimmune disease and Fibromyalgia with a friend. She remarked to me that more people need to know and understand that when we believe we will have something forever, we do. Both of these diseases are thought to be permanent conditions. 

How then could I possibly heal something thought by the medical field to be incurable? 


When we believe something is true, we create it. It does not matter if we believe the positive or the negative. We create with our beliefs. I recognized that my negative thoughts were killing me. I knew and believed that if I changed my negativity my health would improve. I am proof positive that if you believe you can cure something - you can. 

Self-love coupled with positive beliefs affirming vibrant health daily, I no longer have health issues. 

Our acid thoughts create an environment rife for disease. JEM

I was raised in a critical environment. My parents were doubting Thomases. They were cynical, negative and extremely hard on all of us as children. I was programmed for negativity. I worked diligently on changing my beliefs, thoughts and words to be supportive, uplifting and positive. It took me years of daily work. It didn't happen overnight. The end result for me is a healthy youthful body, mind and spirit, free of illness, pain and disease.


I knew that if I was happy and positive that my vibration would change. Thinking positive thoughts on a daily basis changes your brain chemistry and therefore your body all the way down to your cells. Even the small act of smiling changes your brain chemistry. I have cleared thousands of people eliminating their negative programming so that they are now living happier, healthier lives.

When I began to do more activities that gave me pleasure, I became happier. I was doing work I loved, with people I loved, which raised my vibration and alkalized my body. I meditated daily. My thoughts were congruent, which eased and eliminated stress. I began to live in the present, free of worry and fears. The mantras I used changed the patterns of negativity from my childhood - permanently. 

Changing Our Paradigm

Our most impactful years are from birth to five years of age. We are actually programmed by our parents and environment very early in life. Many of the beliefs systems that are created in childhood run our lives unless we change the unconscious programming. Until the unconscious is reprogrammed, it is running the show sending out negative beliefs and emotions into the Universe returning to us more of what we don't want.

We must change the internal programming of our subconscious mind to have lasting change. How do I help my clients do this? First, I do an energy clearing (or series) to eliminate the programs running that are self-defeating, destructive and negative. Next, I give personalized mantras specifically designed to uproot the negative belief systems and change the patterns and synapses in the brain. 

How Do We Create Our Own Disease?

We respond and react to others, holding unresolved emotions like resentment, abandonment and anger in our bodies. We trust what our parents taught us even when it didn't work very well for them. We take on what we shouldn't. We aim for perfection causing untold stress and anxiety. We judge others and are harsh with self-recrimination. 

We worry about what others think of us, which causes us further stress. We push ourselves too much resisting the impulse to listen to our body. We don't rest and relax enough. We ignore our body's signals telling us we need to eat better, rest more and exercise to be healthy. We consume foods that create illness rather than support health because we think they are easier. We run from morning till night without sitting in quiet. We are constantly doing rather than being present. We don't listen to our internal compass and inner voice when it attempts to guide us to something better and healthier.

A personal story of cancer

My father read the newspaper cover to cover daily. He came home and discussed the latest findings of cancer-causing foods, like bacon, peanut butter and coffee at the dinner table. As he was eating his food that traveled through his body for approximately 16 hours digesting and feeding his body, he talked about cancer and all the things that caused it - daily! Interestingly he developed myelodisplastic leukemia from his negative thoughts and beliefs about cancer.

What happens within us that creates disease?

  1. We verbally abuse ourselves by saying we are stupid, not good enough or unloved which creates an acid environment in our bodies. 
  2. We don't celebrate our accomplishments. 
  3. We think and feel not good enough, unloved, not validated which causes us stress, anxiety and worry. Each negative thought creates more acidity in our bodies. We may have sore joints, acid reflux and inflammation.
  4. We feel unloved and therefore reach for food stuffs or drugs which make us feel loved, like sweets, chocolate and alcohol. These foods cause an increase in candida and therefore inflammation. 
  5. Unconscious beliefs about missing out on the sweetness of life from childhood create a need to consume foods to comfort us. We feel we are justified to eat what we crave, rather than what is good for us.
  6. We push our emotions down deep inside our bodies which cause us to create drama and chaos in our outer world.
  7. We deny our true selves.
  8. We become fearful of our feelings.
  9. We stop trusting our guidance.
  10. We allow our fears to control us, which creates more chaos.
  11. We create a false persona that causes us stress because being fake isn't a reflection of our soul, or truest version of us.
  12. Our fears causes us to attempt to control our environment which further deplete our energy and life force.
  13. Fears keep us awake at night. We no longer trust our inner voice.
  14. We focus on negative issues, creating more negativity and acidity in our bodies.
  15. We push ourselves striving for perfection which causes anxiety and stress.
  16. We worry about things that never come to fruition. 
  17. We concern ourselves with what others think of us.
  18. We become undisciplined and unhappy with ourselves, lives and others. 
  19. We become the chameleon - a fake version of ourselves to be what we think others want. 
  20. We make up stories about others, we run from the truth and we create illness from our negative thoughts. 
  21. Over time our resentment, and other stuffed emotions create cancer, diabetes and other diseases because we didn't see the warning signs. 
  22. Cancer and others diseases are warning signs to look inside and reflect on what our thoughts and beliefs are. We have to change the inner programming to cure the disease, which is where I come in. This is what I did for myself. You can have cancerous tumors removed, but if the emotions aren't cleared and the behavior remains unchanged, the cancer will return.
  23. We have forgotten that the Universe works with us, guiding us, showing us the way. We don't learn from our mistakes and continue to choose people and situations that are comfortable and familiar, rather than moving into healthier beliefs and choices.

Warning Light

Our body gives us early warning signs that something isn't right. Most of us ignore these signs. It could be unruly or unwarranted emotions that bubble up from nowhere. It could be exhaustion that we combat with caffeine. We push ourselves beyond our human limits even when our body shows us something is wrong by giving us canker sores, body aches, immense fatigue or even depression. We take a pill to kill the pain rather than fixing the problem at the root. We look for the quick fix (a pill) that taxes our liver and causes more issues and side-effects like chemical sensitivity from too many medications. Everything that we put in our mouth is filtered by the liver. The liver gives out when it becomes toxic.

We surround ourselves with people who are negative and who believe that there is only one way to do things. We believe that we are not good enough. We believe that germs are what cause disease. We believe what doctors tell us about what we have and that it is incurable, never attempting to change our belief systems. Our beliefs are what govern our world even when they are self-destructive.

More about Jennifer Here

Monday, April 18, 2016

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Be Concerned About What Others Think

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

There is a huge difference in the focus of insecure and confident people. Those that suffer from insecurities are afraid people won't like them or that they aren't enough. They are looking for acceptance outside of themselves. I used to be one. 

In the past, I worried if people would like me, or the way I dressed and looked. I was concerned that I wasn't enough. I woke in the middle of the night riddled with fears. I worried about how to dress, what to say and how to act. The bottom line was, I focused on what others thought. 

Men worry about the size of their penis, while women worry about their looks and weight

Once we notice how much energy we expend with worries about other's opinions, we need to make changes in our behavior and thoughts. I know what worked for me. My motto is:

What others think of you is none of your business!

Following are seven reasons you are wasting precious energy by concerning yourself with what others think: 

  1. It Causes you uncertainty.  There are a million opinions. Asking for other's opinions causes you confusion and internal chaos. Instead, ask yourself how does this situation make me feel? Which feels better in my body, plan A or plan B? Your body will never lie. Use your body as a human pendulum and ask questions of your high self.
  2. Creates a lack of self-trust. When we rely on others telling us what to do, we end up not doing the things we want, then feel resentful and angry that we didn't do what we felt was best for
    ourselves. The more you ask, the more opinions you will get, the less trust you have for yourself. You have an internal compass USE IT!
  3. Reduces your self-esteem. Relying on others opinions creates self-doubt. When we doubt ourselves, we feel small and insignificant. You have value. You know what is best for you. Take small steps towards confidence by making small decisions and seeing how much better you feel when you do.
  4. You give your power away. When you ask others what they think you reduce your inner strength which makes you feel weak and small.
  5. Others opinions will cause you to feel bad. People can judge you for your behavior. Asking others what they think will make you second-guess yourself and lead to wishy-washy thinking and indecision. You need to practise to become good at a skill. Decision-making is a skill that as a muscle needs to builds over time. You might feel a little shaky at first. It's okay even a baby has to crawl before he can walk.
For more information about overcoming insecurity read this: 

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Send Jennifer an e-mail to set up your Free Discovery Session right now!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

5 Ways To Create A Deeper Connection By Being Present

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Distractions are everywhere. There's music playing, the television in the background and our PDAs to mess with, text messages coming in and phone calls to answer. In this day and age, we have to disconnect from those distractions and give others our full attention. When we give into distractions, we can leave others feeling unloved, unheard while we feel scattered.

I am currently visiting my adult off-spring in Colorado. I have a lot going on, a client in a healing crisis another about to be deposed that needs my help with a legal case, a visit to my daughter's culinary school restaurant. I want to give each person my all when I am with them. How can we do this with so much going on?

When we are thinking of something else or attempting to answer texts or e-mails when we are with others, they feel ignored and unappreciated. If we are making love with our partner but focused on other tasks, our partner will feel it. Life is too short to leave our loved ones feeling ignored or unloved. Multitasking makes you emotionally unavailable.

We miss details, won't notice a person's body language or facial expression when we are doing too many things. How can we
simplify our lives to be more present with ourselves, others and loved ones?

  1. Make eye contact when someone is speaking to you. When we make eye contact with the one we are with, they feel heard. 
  2. Respond to the conversation. When you comment to another person, they feel you understand them. Understanding another leads to a deeper quality within our relationships and a closer bond. 
  3. Focus your attention. We are all looking for attention from another person when we are on the phone with them, or experiencing an in-person conversation. When you focus your attention on another they feel it; we develop trust when we are heard and understood.
  4. Listen actively. When we focus on what to say next, you are in your ego. Instead, focus only on what the other is saying. When they complete their story take a moment to consider a question to ask for more clarity. When you focus on what you want to say while the other is talking,  your presence is missing.
  5. Don't judge. When we are in judgment, we are closing our mind to the infinite. We are multi-dimensional beings. Be open to a new idea, different options, and possibilities. Not everything has to be the way you want or thinks things should be. You might be surprised at the doors that open when you drop the judgment of others.

Mindful practices deepen with daily meditation. When we meditate daily, we slow our thoughts down and create a deeper connection with ourselves. Being present in each moment means you notice your feelings and emotions. Breathing in fully will allow you to be more present with each breath and ground you. I highly recommend taking even ten minutes a day to sit in silence and just breathe. 

You don't have to be any particular religion to benefit from meditation. When you do, everything in your life becomes a meditation from walking to peeling vegetables, doing your makeup shaving or having sex. A life of presence opens more bliss and joy than one of distraction; I promise you.

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A Love That Lasts

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with FREE clearings and
The Cascade of Miracles prayer. 

All Rights Reserved 2016               © JENNIFER ELIZABETH MASTERS
Copying any portion without the author's permission is illegal and punishable by law

Friday, April 15, 2016

How To Create A Sizzling Connection With The Person You Are Dating

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

I am a top contributor for Digital Romance an incredible dating, romance and informational website. I recently wrote this very personal article for Digital Romance. I invite you to check out my experience with the gentleman I am in a budding romance with. I warn you, it is pretty hot! Please leave your comments below the article. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

What Is An Energy Clearing?

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Since 2007, I have been working with people's energy fields clearing negativity, depression, trapped emotions, self-sabotage, suicidal programs, internal conflict, limiting beliefs and blocks. The overarching theme of an energy clearing is the calmness that people experience coupled with clarity and a sense of feeling lighter and able to sleep like a hibernating bear. In this article, I will explain how I do this work and what it means to you.

Who Can Benefit?

Everyone can benefit from having their energy field cleared. It doesn't matter how spiritual you are, we get attachments, thought forms from others walking by, we pick up negativity from co-workers, parents, children and lovers. We have upsets, grief, shame, molestation, abuse, sadness, anger and so many other intense emotions that rattle our cage, and radiate out from us unconsciously. 

Past events where we were abandoned, rejected, humiliated or put down cause us to continue to attract more events that don't support our highest good.

We have beliefs that keep us stuck from childhood, patterns our parents set up for us that continue to broadcast into the universe bringing us what we don't want.

I began this work because a friend had an energy clearing done and told me how fantastic she felt afterward. I had to experience an energy clearing for myself. One clearing made me feel more peaceful, centered, calm giving me clarity and grounding me. 

The second went deeper and allowed me to release another layer that bubbled up. With each session, my energy field was lighter, more positive and I felt more expanded. Anxiety, worry, depression, anger, conflict, fear was eliminated as well as sabotaging patterns that kept me stuck. I knew this was work I had to do for others. I became certified twice that year moving into mastery with my work.

How Does It Work?

An energy clearing can be done across the world in your absence and have the same powerful effect as being in the same room with me. There is no space-time component with energy. A family member can benefit from an energy clearing in their absence. 

I receive information pertaining to you that gets to the root of your issues quickly. 

Clearing Conflict From A Business Associate

Relationships can be challenging. Having a loved one cleared, or clearing the joint field that the two of you share cleared can lift the issue so that you can move past being stuck in conflict. No conversation needs to happen unless you want it to about the issue. Following is an example of one client who had a conflict with a business associate.

Marrianne, has a web-based business with multiple clients. One of her clients had a serious conflict with her and became combative. They had an appointment scheduled in person after a particularly abusive phone call. Their appointment kept getting postponed. Marianne was quite fearful of meeting her male client in person. 

I suggested a clearing of their joint field (morphogenic field). She booked an appointment and I cleared the two of them together. 

The end result was a meeting that went smoothly without conflict, agitation or negativity. They resolved their issue and were able to move on without contention. An energy clearing of the joint field (morphogenic field) can enact positive change without conflict so that you can more easily reach resolution and move on. 

Why Get An Energy Clearing?

Just like you take a shower daily, or wash your car, your energy becomes heavy, dense and holds onto negativity. Like a cloud around you the negativity builds and drags your vibration down. An energy clearing gets rid of the beliefs, trauma, trapped emotions, blocks, and programs that don't serve you. 

What programs Might Be Negative?

Generational programming of poverty consciousness, sexual molestation, or addictions can be cleared. Perhaps your father was an alcoholic and you keep attracting men who are alcoholics. Getting this programming eliminated will help you move beyond this negative programming of attracting those with addictions.

How Can You Benefit

Everyone can benefit from an energy clearing. We have arguments, experience betrayal, conflicts, hurts, fears, breakups, and divorce. Everything we experience leaves breadcrumbs, programs opened and running, we create beliefs that don't serve us that debilitate us and cause us debt, and more challenges. Just like taking a shower, or vacuuming up dirt on a carpet an energy clearing removes unwanted, unneeded and debilitating programs and unnecessary suffering from your life

An energy clearing frees you to be the YOU that you are meant to be. 

What Programs Can Cause Increased Suffering?

Some of our programs come from past lives. We might have been murdered, killed in battle, or committed suicide in a past life. These past lives are still connected to your soul. Once the past life is cleared the issue goes away and no longer plagues you.

We might have a parent that is an alcoholic, abusive or cruel. Though that parent did the best they could do, you formed beliefs that don't serve you that are still running your life. You might feel that all men will leave you because your father left. You may keep attracting men that are similar to your father. 

Issues of abandonment, rejection, feeling unloved, unaccepted, humiliated, insecure, unworthiness over fifty different emotions can plague us unconsciously until they are cleared from our field and energy body.

You might feel and have a program running that all women cheat, lie or steal because that was what was done to you previously. Beliefs that there isn't enough, you aren't enough, or you can't find love are some of the programs many people have. Everyone has programs running that don't serve them and cause them some sort of difficulty.

How Do You Feel?

An energy clearing will allow you to feel a deep sense of calm. You will feel incredibly lighter, uplifted and positive. Most people report that their mental chatter quiets. Most people sleep better after having their energy cleared.You will become relaxed feeling mentally clear, focused without all the anxiety and worry that they had before we began.

Most people have a resistance to love and a desire to suffer.

Akashic Records - At The Soul Level

I open your Akashic Records and clear from the point of origin. The Akashic Records are the record book of God where everything that has ever occurred is recorded for all time. Clearing from this place allows a deep clearing at a soul level to occur.

No one else is doing this type of work encompassing hypnotherapy, energy clearing AND The Akashic Records. My coaching clients get the benefits of all the work I have done over thirty-some years and five different healing modalities rolled into one powerful blissful remedy for the challenges of life.


I connect with God, your angels, and Guides. I ask for guidance on what you need most and begin clearing those issues. I repair your
auric field which gets damaged from anger, arguments, fear, trauma, prescriptions, alcohol and drugs. I clear attachments and negativity as well as any programs running that are causing you harm.

What Can Be Cleared?

My daughter has come to me in distress after a break-up and asked me to clear her. On several occasions while having a fight with her boyfriend she has texted me, "Clear me please!" When I do, she calms down and is able to communicate without the emotionality that was previously present.

In one clearing, I clear hundreds of issues, contracts, webs, chords, psychic hooks, which include everything that doesn't serve you. Any past experiences that upset you, anxiety, worry, fears, heartbreak, grief, emotions and self-sabotage are just some of what can be cleared. I cleared a young woman in Colorado that had attempted suicide 12 times. I found 30 lifetimes of suicide in her energy field. Once I cleared this she stopped trying to take her life. 

I have cleared the energy of a friend who was shot by police from his best friend's energy field. He had been addicted to meth as had she. Once I cleared the attachment of her departed friend she was able to get off crystal meth in less than 30 days.

Alice, a client in Glendale, California came to me for healing of a horrible kidnapping and rape that occurred over forty years ago. She was stuck in victimhood, paranoid that someone was spying on her. Any kind of betrayal, trauma, molestation and sexual assault can leave you feeling like a victim. It can taint your entire life. She was just getting an estimate ready to spend thousands of dollars on a surveillance system for her home. 

The transformation Alice experienced with just two sessions with me enabled her to get her landscaping company fully launched and profitable. She attributed my work with her on her huge success. Prior to the session with me, she couldn't move forward. She was stuck in paranoia.

Seeing the great and miraculous benefits to my work, he asked me to do an Akashic Record reading for her. While doing the reading she asked me questions about her children. Her comment was, "You're explaining my children to me in a way that helps me understand them better than I have before and I have lived with them their whole life!" She knew her children could benefit as well from my work. Alice asked me to clear each of her children remotely. As I did the clearings on her children I gave her guidance on each one. 

I began with a clearing on her special needs daughter who had serious anger issues. I explained her anger was something she felt comfortable with and I gave her the details as to why that was the case. Her parents had fought throughout their entire marriage. Anger was something she felt comfortable with.

As I cleared her son, I gave details on what he needed from her. It was the third clearing for her youngest daughter that gave her the most pause. I told her she had an issue with her left foot. Mine had been hurting the entire time I was clearing her. After the clearing she confessed to her daughter she had work done on her and that I mentioned her left foot hurting. At exactly the time I felt the pain, her foot was hurting also!

How Will I Feel?

Within minutes of me opening a clearing session, my clients report feeling a sense of calm wash over them and feel lighter, more positive with an ability to see the good in their experience. 

Some people report a tingling sensation.

Some people tell me they sleep through the entire session. 

Some feel nothing and then feel happier, and totally free of mind chatter!

Is There A Downside?

There is no downside. In fact, I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to feel better than you do right now? Your suffering is decreased and self-defeating beliefs and programs will allow you to be free to live your life at a higher energetic level to create what you are meant to. It is nothing short of miraculous. 

Is A Clearing Permanent?

If you wash your car and drive through a mud puddle, a residue from that puddle will remain on your car. Similarly, if you have an upset, become fearful, angry and yell at your partner, you create holes in your auric field. 

As you begin to change your behavior, meditate, become more positive, loving, compassionate on a daily basis your field becomes stronger and you will hold your clearing longer - even permanently.

Beginning on Monday, April 18, 2016, I am offering specials on my clearings. Buy three get two free. I am also opening up a Master Mind group clearing with Q&A at the end of the session for those on a tight budget. Sign up for my newsletter and get the details!

Practice Self-Love

Loving the self is the key to all healing. I have been called The Self Love Guru because the focus on my work is self-love. Everything comes from a lack of self-love - even depression and addiction. When we love ourselves unconditionally, our health, relationships, and life shifts in powerful ways. Instead of focusing on problems we begin to see the gifts and lessons along the way. We see signs that guide us rather than feeling that we are unsupported. Instead of fear we begin to strengthen our faith. Rather than living in fear, we are empowered and joyful. I highly recommend everyone take my Love Yourself Fearlessly six week course, my signature program. In one session, people are changed. In three, they begin to see changes in their lives.

To contact Jennifer Elizabeth Masters e-mail here for your FREE Discovery conversation of twenty to forty minutes. Or visit her website and sign up for her newsletter here.

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a sex and passion coach helping women express their highest potential in work, love and play. If your life, love or world isn't what you want it to be, contact Jennifer now! For information about her premium programs like Orgasm For Life Boot Camp for the mind-body and spirit, e-mail her here for a free Discovery Session.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ascension: The Keys, Symptoms and Effects To You

By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

All humans on our planet are in the process of transformation. This shift is an upgrade to a higher version of our physical selves. We are moving into our luminous quality; that is at our core. Every human on this planet is becoming more heart centered, compassionate, intuitive, creative and loving, all at various speeds. These wondrous experiences are happening right now. Whether you have consciously experienced these feelings or not, you are being transformed. 

Many are becoming more consciously aware of our connection to everything that is. This article explains some of what I have experienced and am continuing to move through. Old stuff is arising for everyone. Patterns we forgot about like fear of risking it all for love, patterns and trauma from the past are bubbling up. The physical manifestations may need a doctor's care. See the list below.

The Universe supports us by bringing us what we ask for, in this uplifting of humanity. Emotions, self-esteem issues, and trauma are surfacing from the past. Theses old stuck patterns and emotions are bubbling up from the depth of your soul to be looked at, recognized and transmuted. That is where I come in. I am a key person in this new earth helping people move beyond suffering. 

The earth is also going through its upgrade and changing energetically.

Preppers are prepping for The End of Days. They will be disappointed that there will be no Armageddon or war to end all wars. Today is a new day. We are already on track for a greater and brighter future different than most can imagine. 

What Are The Effects To You?

Most people have been experiencing deep fatigue that won't go away with sleep. You may be waking up with a headache, backache or other aches and pains. The retracing of old injuries and surgeries is happening for many. You may feel the tug at the corner of an old scar that stopped hurting many years ago. 

What Can Be Done?

Do your best to get to bed early as sleep will help. Eat organic whenever you can. Drink lots of pure or filtered water (8 x 8-ounce glasses of water daily). Each morning drink a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon on an empty stomach. Lemon water will help alkalize your body. The fresh lemon juice inside the body becomes alkalizing even though lemons are highly acidic outside the body. This lemon water flushes toxins and even fats from the cells when taken daily on an empty stomach. There are many benefits to drinking lemon water first thing in the morning.

Get An Energy Clearing

When emotions and old patterns arise, it can be challenging for many people that don't have a process of moving the stuck energy. It can be a daunting task to go this alone. My work as a hypnotherapist allows you to relax and release on the other end of the phone effortlessly. Distance has no impact on energy. I have cleared and worked with people all around the world releasing while they sleep for optimum benefits. 

An energy clearing will help you move through challenges, anger, anxiety and fears that are arising. An energy clearing is painless and allows you to feel clarity, lighter, and more focused. Anxiety, fears, shame, guilt, depression, past lives, resistance, frustration, helplessness, trauma, PTSD, suicidal programs, worry, trapped emotions, and suffering are just some of the things that are released. I do work on the phone, Skype as well as remotely sending you a report with the complete details of your clearing.

Avoid overeating. Avoid too much comfort food that you know isn't beneficial for you. It is a natural desire to stuff those old feelings as they arise, with food, sweets, alcohol or even sex. Allow those feelings to surface. Feel them. Look at the pattern that is surfacing. Breathe in deeply, staying with the emotion rather than trying to stuff it back down. You may cry, you may feel the bubbling up of sadness. It can take three minutes for the energy to move through you and then it's gone. 

I have provided a list of symptoms that may occur for you. Everyone is different. I have experienced the third eye headache, dizziness, and flu-like symptoms.

  1.  Headaches. Especially in the middle of the forehead. This is your third eye opening and your intuition coming in. Don't take Advil or anything for this; it is a natural state. 
  2. Flu-like symptoms. Body aches can occur as your body eliminates what doesn't serve you. Detoxing can feel like you have the flu. As energy comes up to be released, it can create pain in the body. Breathe. Drink lots of water and get as much rest as you can.
  3. Dizziness. Dizziness can be like an energetic somersault spinning forward. Dizziness can be a download of Divine energy. 
  4. Nausea. Not a wonderful feeling ever. Energy shifting in your body can bring up nausea.
  5. Ear wax is moving and clicking. The movement of ear wax is for your benefit. You will begin to hear your intuition. Ear candling is the least invasive way to clean out ear wax. Excess yeast can build up in the ears caused by eating too much sugar.
  6. Vaginal infections. Surprising as it may seem many women have been experiencing vaginal infections and yeast infections as old energy is being retraced and eradicated. Treat these infections as you would normally. 
  7. Greater abundance with less struggle.  
  8. More harmony in your relationships. Part of this new paradigm is to heal all old relationships. Resolution is occurring where there had been none before.
  9. Doing a job and work, you love. Those who are light workers are becoming coaches, certified in different modalities. 
  10. Increased joy and bliss. Simple things can bring great joy and happiness. Walking through a field of flowers, seeing a newborn baby all can bring you to tears or intense feelings of joy.
  11. Vulnerability. You may find yourself able to be more vulnerable with complete strangers and certainly loved ones. Higher consciousness will allow you to open your heart more easily.
  12. Inability to lie. With higher consciousness there is a greater sense of responsibility for telling the truth. You may begin to course-correct mid-sentence to ensure you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
  13. Animals love you more. Animals are becoming more attentive and loving as we do the same. You may find your animals become increasingly affectionate on a daily basis.
  14. You are authentic. Rather than wearing a mask or hiding behind half-baked personas, you are standing in your truth and being who you truly are. No more faking orgasms either. 
  15. Relationships. If you have been codependent in the past you recognize that you can take care of your needs, attract a companion and relationship that is loving and balanced. You love, admire, respect and adore your partner.
  16. You Realize Your Dreams effortlessly
  17. You are drama free. Emotions are not holding you, hostage, any longer.
  18. You have an inner knowing
  19. You live in a state of allowing rather than trying to make things happen.
  20. You have a deep sense of TRUST of The Universe and that everything will be okay. The support and orchestration of The Universe is evident daily.
  21. You recognize your connection with the earth and all beings.
  22. You stopped being concerned about what others think. 
  23. There is no right or wrong. You have stopped thinking of yourself as a failure and recognize that there is no right or wrong.
  24. You recognize that we are all One. Each person represents an out-picturing of our inner selves. (Although we still look at others and say, "What were they thinking!?"

Practice Self-Love

Loving the self is the key to all healing. I have been called The Self Love Guru because the focus on my work is self-love. Everything comes from a lack of self-love - even depression and addiction. When we love ourselves unconditionally, our health, relationships, and life shifts in powerful ways. Instead of focusing on problems we begin to see the gifts and lessons along the way. We see signs that guide us rather than feeling that we are unsupported. Instead of fear we begin to strengthen our faith. Rather than living in fear, we are empowered and joyful. I highly recommend everyone take my Love Yourself Fearlessly six week course, my signature program. In one session, people are changed. In three, they begin to see changes in their lives.

To contact Jennifer Elizabeth Masters e-mail here for your FREE Discovery conversation of twenty to forty minutes. Or visit her website and sign up for her newsletter here.

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a sex and passion coach helping women express their highest potential in work, love and play. If your life, love or world isn't what you want it to be, contact Jennifer now! For information about her premium programs like Orgasm For Life Boot Camp for the mind-body and spirit, e-mail her here for a free Discovery Session.

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